Tears & Meetings

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 A very far place from the unstable and filthy hideout was the hospital but instead of many of the civilians cars it was surrounded by police cars instead. There had been terrible news from the nurse's and doctors about a patient being missing from their room; no one had even noticed nor  seen them at all. Which was ironic due to the patients fame and news reporters who had continuously come down there. They had tried to milk every last bit of the story they could from the hospital limitationing them from coming to interview said patient due to them not being related nor friends with them. But the worst part of all was that Che'nya and Neige had to find this out.

The two man's heads had looked at the ground in shame and anger. How could this happen? How could they let this happen? Was it all their fault for their friends disappearance? They had just gotten them back only to have an anvil thrown in their face just because they had a longer shift than usual. Another very odd thing about this day. The first was that when they had checked security footage in the hallway the suspects face had been blurred out and very disoriented. The footage even kept cutting when the unknown person would turn a corner only to be seen in a different room. And. until they had gotten to the entrance as they exit the forage finally cuts off and nothing but static. Someone definitely hacked the cameras. But who and why would even go this far to kidnap someone? All these questions and yet not one answer to any of them so far. 

" Hey...Hey! Neige! Che'nya! Are you both ok?" Riley exclaimed shaking his hands in front of the two " You've both been eerily quiet ever since y/n went missing."he sighed. 

The two agreed but only Neige soon spoke " Yeah, it's just we had only just gotten them back and they're gone again." Riley nodded patting the dark haired male on the back as they walked to the chief's office once again to bring back news about the missing detective. 




" So as you all know the Heartslabyul, Savannaclaw, Pomefiore, and Diasomnia first years have successfully captured the detective." the dark haired man in a bird mask announced to the seven man in the  large room. They all either nodded or hummed in agreement at what he said.

" Yes, but we do have some...unfortunate events that had also happened with them on their mission." he sighed. The red headed leaders once stone cold face had turned into a displeased frown at the news. As the other leaders had done the same, exept the Lion who had only quirked an eyebrow upon the news.

The older man than began to explain to the other leaders what had happened from what one of the members had told him. The news was quite a shock to them all it even had the lion up and awake to hear what the older man had to say for once. The detective had no memory nor awareness of who they where at all. They could definitely use this to their advantage. Just imagine the possibilities, but there still was also a risk of them faking the whole incident. Because this was " The Brilliant Detective " who had managed to outsmart all of them and was just an arms length from finding out who they all were. The possibilities were endless to if this was some kind of trick of theirs.

" I'm curious to what condition they're currently in." the periwinkle haired man said. 

Azul Ashengrotto he was the head of Octavinelle, he's known for his infamous deals and " restaurants". Each establishment of his was some kind of casino or fancy restaurant. But it was always until the police had figured him out or a traitor had infiltrated the establishments they would always mysteriously burn down.   Though other than that he was known as the " Silver Coin". A nickname that suited the greedy and money hungry man and that also matched his hair color. 

" Same though...what if we throw them a big party as some kind of special greeting to make them think we're friends with them?" the white haired man smiled.

Kalim Al-Asim he was one of the filth most powerful leaders other than the Diasomnia, Savannaclaw, Ignigyde, and Pomefiore leaders. He's the lead of the Scarabia cult. A cult where you can find happiness. Where feeling sadness is almost illegal from how the toxic fumes of laughter and cheer blew through the air. He was nicknamed the " Sun maker"  another name that most of his cult members would call him other than " The Sun ray of enlightenment". He's the most feared member other than the Heartslabyul Queen when upset for his Sun rays can turn into a storm. Though his bright personality would make you never second guess his dark side.

" Kalim I don't think a party will do us any good." a blonde with faded purple tips sighed squeezing his temples in annoyance of the Sun maker requesting another big party.

Vil Shoenheit was a very powerful and deadly leader though with his beautiful doll-like face anyone would just be too mesmerized to think anything of it. He was nicknamed the " Nightshade Queen" just as in the name beautiful but deadly and seen as a royal from his looks. This cult leader thrives off of being a perfectionist in making people beautiful. Be it a beastman, human, merfoke, or fae he will turn them into the perfect dolled up model for him. But to those who refuse the queens "help" shall receive a flower said flower being a nightshade. Hence the nickname.

" For once I agree with the blonde bimbo over here." the beastman chuckled as he smirked at the Queen who looked like they where about to neuter him.

Leona Kingscholar was second place to being one of the most powerful leaders in the group. Not much is known about the lazy beastman except for some rumors of him being brother of the chief of police and having a nephew. He's nickednames " The Sand King" for his deadly power. He's another leader who's bad side you wouldn't want to see for even his lazy exterior could be looked through to see the real beast he is.

" Leona don't even start with your pitiful insults!" the red head barked at Leona with a red scowl on his face not wanting another argument. The beastman only rolled his eyes at them while the blonde spat an earful of insults his way.

Riddle Rosehearts was the seventh and least strongest leader in the group. But his temper sure made up for his power. He is very respected and feared throughout his members even the Crow masked man fear's him. His nickname is " The Red Queen" for one his hair color and the mafia's admiration toward the queen of hearts rules that even his members must follow or it's off with their heads. And he doesn't just mean with collars from his unique magic.

" ...For one I agree with him." the blue  fire haired leader had said in a bored tone while he hacked  some illegal files on Overblot for his business.

Idia Shroud for he is no mafia or cult leader for he's the other business man in the group. And helps supply weapons, supplies, Azul's restaurants, and even most data on Overblot cases. He helps them and they help him in his study of Overblot for his ideas on how to stop it where deemed too " crazy, insane, or drastic" for anyone to approve of but he has Crowley for the funding of his experiments. Because who cares as long as they're still alive why does it matter all they'll lose is a bit sanity. He's nicknamed the " Undertaker" for his trademark of skulls and his death like appearance.

" A party does sound nice though...I was very disappointed to not receive an invite for you're last party Al-Asim." The horned man sighed as everyone looked shocked about him being their except Leona who just groaned why he was there.

Malleus Draconia was the most powerful leader in all of the groups. For his extravagant powers and gifts to his charisma and wits. Most fear him due to his powerful aura and creepy tone. Though throughout his mafia he was respected and put on a pedestal by his peers. And his bodyguards who treated him as the royalty he was. He was nicknamed the " The Dragon King". No one knows why or dares to speak of their encounters with him if they survive which is very rare. 

Apologies and bickering echoed throughout the room as the leaders. As they all kept on this never ending bickering it was until the First years had burst through the door. 

"Great now we can all discuss your so called plan boys!" The crow man chirped as all eyes where now on them.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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