Who are you? Who am I?

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Dark...Darkness was all you saw and all you remembered beyond your name and age. The darkness was all you had for a while it felt like a you where in a deep sleep that only lasted for a few minutes until you started hearing things. A cruel continuous beeping made you stir around in whatever your body was rested upon. You scrunched your nose at the sound and the chilly state of the place you where in as you searched for a cover.  But alas a new sound was starting to make its presence known. This sound was familiar almost too familiar but you didn't know why, who, or what it was. As you awoke a bright light, 2 young man, and a women in a uniform greeted you.  A short beautiful man with dark hair rushed to you in tears as they saw you awaken from your sleeping state

"...urse!!! Nurs...Theyer waking up!" A cheerful tone stated as you covered your eyes due to the burning brightness of the light. After adjusting your eyes to the light. you saw the dark haired man rush over to you.

"Y/n!!!" He gasped in crocodile tears as he squeezed your torso tightly.

" I'm so glad your okay! We were so worried about you! The chief said you would wake up but look you did wake up..." his rant continued as you where trying to get out of the man's grasp.

As he noticed you struggling to get out of his grasp he let go. " Oh! Sorry I'm just so happy you're okay!" he said in a cheerful tone.

 " I'm sorry but... Who are you and why am I here?" You asked as his cheerful expression began to drop. 

The young man had looked heartbroken as you said that; he muttered something as a purple hair man had patted his shoulder before the dark hair man could say anything else.  After a while of awkward  silence and a now sad atmosphere the doctor had come in with the nurse. The two waved at you sadly as they left leaving you with the doctor and nurse. The doctor  had explained what happened to you and questioned you about what you knew. He had written down many notes it seemed that you where in a very bad state when you were found and taken to the hospital. It was something about a car crash with a drunk driver who was speeding. But something about the doctor seemed a bit off to you as he only questioned you about what you remembered and if you remembered any important missions that where recent. Exageratingly on the day you had  gotten into the car crash. 

Should they have just made this snappy and got what you remembered and not police files. You're only a/n old why the heck would you need to be involved with crime? Plus it's supper dangerous; you could get killed, hurt, traumatized, and many other things why would you. I mean sure you like a bit of horror movies, but still crime and being a young gifted detective no way this must of been some kind of joke? As you laughed at the fact that you might have been a detective you had then realized that the doctor wasn't joking at all. He was serious. You were involved in many crime cases and apparently an important one? Though shouldn't that have been classified if it's so important? At this point you just don't really answer and pull the ' This is so much to take ' with teary eyes to make him stop asking you these questions. It worked! It got the doctor to leave you alone. But you couldn't help , but here him mutter something about ' Boss isn't gonna like this.' Well then... that's nice why would his boss need to know that info you somehow now?  Billions of questions swirled in your head with this sudden information. And all you could conclude was just you having amnesia and a very sus doctor. Nice, you're told you've been in a coma for 4 months, you made a beautiful man cry, and a doctor wants secret info you know cause of his boss. Great just great. Who wouldn't want to wake up to this?  You start to wonder about your parents... do you even have parents? Do you even have a house? What about pets? Are you in a relationship with anyone? Was that beautiful man your boyfriend? Oh wait if you do have pets then has anyone been feeding  them? As you're left alone with your weird thoughts the door suddenly opens again and not to that weird  doctor, nurse, it was those two boys who were in here earlier. 

" Hi... You may not remember me, but I'm Neige! Neige Leblanc and this is Che'nya." Neige said as he introduced himself and Che'nya to you. He had then apologized for how he acted earlier and if he had made you upset. You were confused why he was apologizing but just brushed it off.

" So I'm some miracle detective that knows some secret info about a deadly project. That us three we're brought into? And the only reason you two know are because y'all are somehow my assistants/ co-workers/ pre-officers?... Pretty weird, but okay. " you said reviewing over the facts  they had given you on your life at the moment while you ate something. Man sleeping for months works up quite the appetite.  

" Yeah... we're still working out things." Neige chuckled rubbing his neck. 

" Nya, it's purritty weird." Che'nya said with a yawn.

" Do you have to add cat puns we're in a serious conversation?" You said.

" Nyes...nyes I do. He said with a playful grin.

" Ok, moving on... what about my home life?" you said as they both looked surprised.

" What? You're acting as if you don't know... you don't know anyone about my home life, house, family, or anything non-work related huh?" You said as they both nodded looking down. 

" I though you two said we we're friends!" You groaned " We are!" They panicked. " What kind of friends don't know a flying shit about their friends personal life outside of work!?" You hollard.

" Us?" Neige replied as you smacked your forehead in disbelief.

After a little while of you three talking the nurse had soon said " Visiting hours are over." She had said it kinda rudly but you haven't seen her paycheck so you don't blame her. The two left wishing you goodnight and bye. 

Though you found it odd now how the nurse looked a bit differently now and that her voice was a bit deeper, but still feminine. Why is everyone at this dang hospital so sus!?




To be continued


Chapter 2 is out hope you all enjoyed and I love  your comments!!! Hope your all having a good day/night/afternoon/ evening 

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