Plan A,B,&C:Don't fuck up again(Teaser)

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So... warning this chapter is pretty depressing, mentions of death, and depressing talk. Read at your own risk ⚠️


( Unknown???...Code name: Spade P.O.V)

I sighed as I kept reflecting on our screw up 4 months ago... All we had to do was kidnap the detective, take out their compainions, and get the information that we needed from them. But instead in a twisted turn of events, a huge truck had crushed them and just them. Some how their companions Neige and Che'nya made it out perfectly fine. That was supposed to be my first mission in Heartslabyul, but instead it was a huge screw up. The whole reason I failed my first mission was because of those four morons. We could have used out unique magic but instead I get shoved out of the way. The poison apple and heart started fighting, wolf was trying to break them up, meanwhile the emerald knight kept hollering creating another fight. I only started punching him for a little while and gave him a black eye. But then that's when it happened and I saw their face. That sweet sweet innocent face that I used to call my friend. If only that damned truck didn't hit them... I could have seen them again. Sure, we haven't spoken in years but it doesn't mean that something wasn't there.  Not that there ever was something there... What am I even thinking no it's not like they even probably remember me. Snap out if it! They'er just an old ripped up card in the deck now. We're e enemy's  now and nothing more. 

" Hey! If you're gonna keep sulking like a puppy do it somewhere else I also live here y'know!" Heart crossed his arms as he looked down on me with a menacing glare. 

I jolted up from being so lost in my thoughts again as Hearts voice range in an annoying tone. I forgot where I was for a second... wait that's right we share an apartment with the other 3 for this mission that was a fail. And the mirror opens up only a week from now. They'er gonna kill us seeing that we have no information, no detective, and nothing else but shame on our faces. I'm gonna get beheaded! 

" Spade! Will you snap out of it I can't stand listening to Hearts voice anymore. Our deaths might as well be a blessing if it finally shuts him up!" Poison apple rambled on accepting that we're all gonna die. 

I sighed as I left the room me and Hearts shared searching for something to take my mind off of our inescapable death soon to come. Not saying a word as the two started bickering over who was more annoying not noticing me leaving.  As I went to the kitchen I could hear The Emerald Knight still sobbing over "failing his Master" and " Not being worthy to have life". Sheesh this guy's annoyingly depressing. I think I'm feeling even more depressed now listening to this guy's whining. His doors literally closed too. His code name should have been " loud mouth".

As I finally made my way through the small but long hallway I would Wolf in the kitchen taking care of his cacti. He was surprisingly a very nice guy if you got past his " I can kill you with one look" persona. I like him the most since he's also the most agreeable one here. 

 " Hey Wolf." I said as his ear twitched while I walked through the small kitchen. He let out a small hi as his attention still stayed on his plants. He really loved his plants or this is just a coping mechanism since we're not going to be alive much longer. Wow this whole day has been really depressing. If only there was some way we could have fixed this. I sighed as I sat on one of the stools in the kitchen taking out my phone. Might as well use my phone for a bit. The phone's we got from the other world where surprisingly similar to ours but less advanced a bit tacky if I say so myself. As I opened up my Facebook app I scrolled through boring drama and new crimes that the Octavinnelle first years did it's too obvious who the fuck steals a fire hydrant!? Along with other boring birthdays of others I don't know. As I kept scrolling my eyes caught an interview with the detective as I clicked on it, I never felt happier in my life.

" What are you so happy about?" Wolf asked concerned. 

" I think we might have been blessed and given another chance." I said as I shows Wolf my phone with the captions reading " You detective survives horrible crash!" 

His face lit up a bit looking relived to see that our silent prayers had been answered. 




" So our little detective is still alive, in the hospital, but has amnesia?" Heart said as we gathered the other 3 to tell them the good knews.

" Yes and we could use that to our advantage!" Wolf said.

" How!? If the human can't remember anything how can they even remember the information we need!?" The Emerald Knight scoffed. 

" Because... Emerald 1)they won't know we're the new gang members, 2) we could convince them we're theyer friends or family, 3) If they trust us enough and remember everything we can easily get the information and then just kill them! Simple as that!" Wolf said. 

" That seems reasonable... though I refuse to be the one that gets closest to them. It's bad enough we're surrounded by humans I don't want one to like me!" Sebek said as the other two agreed with joyful looks on their face. 

" No need to worry Spade over here has a history with our detective." Wolf said as they all looked over to me.

We then discussed over the plan and how to make it look like we did this purposely. Along with explaining why we took so long. Definitely not due to us missing two or three times the mirror had opened. As we finally got to the part I came in they all looked at me with mischievous glances at each other. Soon after our talk and hours of planning we headed off to get some rest tomorrow was a big day after all.




As we all got up and dressed  I couldn't help but feel a happy that that I'll be able to see my Y/n once again. After years of longing my heart couldn't help but do pirouettes as we got closer and closer to the hospital. I'm so happy I was assigned this mission!

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