Death Of Parents; Rosé

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13 years ago (Rosé is 5 in this backstory)

No One's POV

It was a dark and stormy night. No one could ever imagine that a tiny little girl could survive a disastrous car crash. 

The police saw the flipped over car right away and rushed over. A little girl came out from a flipped over car. With blood coming from her shoulder and hands. Luckily she was not badly hurt. 

The police had not noticed the little girl until she had came out from under it. The police got her into their car and rushed her over to the hospital. 

The girl had said her name was Roseanne Park. That was all she said before she kept her mouth shut. Silent tears rolling down her cheek, trying not to make a sound through all the pain.

--------------------------------BEFORE THE CAR CRASH HAPPENED----------------------------------

No One's POV

A 5 year old girl and 8 year old girl were sleeping peacefully in her bed, when they suddenly woke up. It was 9 am on a Saturday. They jumped out of bed and ran into their parents room, waking them up.

"엄마! 아빠! 이러나! (Mom! Dad! Wake up!)" Little Rosé and he older sister, Alice shouted while jumping on their parents bed. There parents smiled while picking them up and hugging them.

"안영 로재 그러고 앨리스. 잘잤서? (Hi Rosé and Alice. Did you sleep well?)" Her father asked her, waking up from his slumber. Rosé nodded her head happily, while giving her father a kiss on the cheek.

Rosé's mother left the bed and walked over to the bathroom, with Rosé at her heels. This Saturday was a normal Saturday for the Park family. Somehow, maybe a little too normal.

After the Parks finished brushing their teeth and changing into their clothes for the day. They went downstairs and all made their homemade breakfast.

The Parks breakfast included Kimbap, Kimchi, and Kimchi Jjigae. Yup, todays morning meal was a kimchi and kim(dried seaweed) theme.

"찰먹개습니다(I will eat it well)" The Park family said in unison, after saying a prayer. After eating the Park family went to a playground.

It was the Meyers Park Playground in Auckland, New Zealand. The playground was huge for the girls and played until it was 7 pm, they had arrived at 3pm. 

Mr. and Mrs. Park decided it was time to go home. The children reluctantly agreed as the went back inside the car.

Soon they were in the motorway, with hail smashing on the ground. Rain was coming down making the roads slippery, it didn't help that there was traffic either. 

The Park family saw cars slipping off the road, crashing. That's when they knew, they weren't gonna get out of this, at least not alive. 

But, they were too late. Mr. Park swerved quickly to not hit a car heading toward them. Unfortunately the car slipped off the road and went crashing into a car. That was when the car flipped over. 

No one could have survived that... 

But 1 did.

Rosé, had survived that crash. 


Rosé's POV

I would rather go through seeing my parents and sister dead. Than having my best friend, forget who I was.


Words: 521


Sorry it was short!

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