" dear diary . . . "

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Welcome to willows diary , I know i know I'm surprised I'm posting too but hey I've been writing a lot more recently so why not share those crappy pieces to the world !

Ok , so here's how this is going to work .

- I'm going to be posting a bit of everything , mainly headcannons if I'm being honest but a little bit of one shots in the mix .

- You can request things , like any one shots if you'd like but you don't have too ! Mainly because this book isn't really a request one shot book but I wouldn't mind doing it since I need a plot to get out of writers block

- there could be possible triggering thing , which I'll explain in a later chapter .

- please don't make fun of my writing , I'm not an exceptional writer and we all come from somewhere . Please remember that !

That's about it , thank you for reading ! <3

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