HAIKYUU - Ennoshita

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Ennoshita wants to feel appreciated.

He's mainly a bench warmer, in fact that's all he's been for most of the team. Everyone else, even first years, kids who are younger than him would go out doing their hardest; putting everything on the line just for a single point while he could just sit and stare.

Feeling useless was an understatement.

Well, he's always had a secret talent for medical things. He has little cousins who would roughhouse and often get hurt and he'd always treat their wounds, plus his mother was a nurse and taught him some of the things she learned.

So a way Ennoshita helped himself feel a bit more useful was going around helping the others with any kind of medical situation. He would assist if Hinata broke another finger, or figure out if Yamaguchi really sprained his ankle or just nerves talking.

His way of being appreciated, was the "thank you" and "you're a life saver!" That his teammates would often say after helping them with another injury or mini cold they needed treatment for a couple days.

And just as quick as he felt useless, he suddenly felt useful.

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