Chapter 5

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open and her vision focused on a mess of brunette hair spread out on her chest. Her eyes widened in surprise until she recalled what had happened the previous night.

Camila had come over and they had worked on a new song before ordering some takeout. They must have fallen asleep downstairs on Y/n's couch sometime in the early hours of the morning during their movie marathon. The artist smiled and ran a hand through Camila's long brown locks, freezing for a moment when she felt the singer shift beneath her arms.

Brown eyes opened and met Y/n's, the woman taking a moment to process where she was; and when she did, she shot up abruptly.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I must've fallen asleep and...I'm sorry for using you as a human pillow on the first day of us actually hanging out!"

Y/n stifled a laugh at the frazzled looking young woman and stroked her shoulder comfortingly, "It's completely fine. I was comfortable. Plus I fell asleep too."

Camila swooned internally at Y/n's raspy tone and smiled, relieved she hadn't made a fool of herself. She stretched, lifting her arms up and exposing her stomach as her hoodie rose up. Y/n averted her gaze out of respect and got up from the couch to see what time it was. She tapped her phone screen and gaped at the time.

"Camila! It's fucking one in the afternoon!"

Camila gasped, jumping up from the couch and running to look for her shoes that were in the studio still. She came back a minute later, looking for her phone and checking to see if there were any missed messages from her producer.

Y/n was on the phone with her own producer, asking if they wouldn't mind arriving thirty minutes later than the one thirty that they had originally scheduled for. Both artists spent the next few minutes on their phones, responding to all their messages and phone calls in a frenzy.

Y/n internally face palmed at her carelessness. She had been able to be laid back without commitments on her travels, but she was working now. The artist couldn't afford to miss deadlines or divert her schedule, especially with her tour that was coming up soon.

After they had finished, Camila put her phone down and went to go sit on Y/n's lap, the taller woman seated at the kitchen table, going through her emails.

Y/n shut her laptop and turned her attention towards the brunette, pecking her cheek and wrapping arms around her waist.

"Did you call someone to come get you yet?" Y/n questioned, hoping that the answer was no.

Camila widened her eyes and shook her head, about to get up to get her phone to call an Uber when Y/n stopped her.

"Don't worry about it. I'll drive you home." Y/n tapped the woman's leg to signal her to get up so she could get her keys from the rack near the door and her wallet from her bedroom. Camila followed behind closely, looking a bit concerned.

"Are you sure? I can just call an Uber it's no big deal. I don't want you to run out of time and not be able to get ready."

"It takes me at most twenty minutes to get ready, where do you live?" Y/n chuckled and dismissed Camila's concerns with a wave. The shorter woman recited her address out loud and Y/n recognized the area. It was only about a fifteen minute drive from her place, give or take a minute. It would work out perfectly.

She told Camila so and within five minutes, they were both on the way to Camila's house.


After dropping Camila off, Y/n headed home to shower and change her clothes. Because it was just her, Camila, and two producers coming to listen to the song, Y/n wasn't concerned with dressing up so she opted for some skinny black joggers and a plain black t-shirt. Just as she finished towel drying her wet hair, she heard three sharp knocks on her front door.

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