Chapter 10

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*Smut chapter warning*

Y/n threw a piece of kettle-corn at Camila, both women cheering when the brunette caught it in her mouth from across the small living room.

It was close to one in the morning, the two having stayed up watching movies and eating snacks once the sun had fully set. The set up was still outside, Y/n figuring she could clean it up tomorrow before she had to text the owner that she was leaving.

"Wait, that's kind of impressive. How the fuck are you so good at this?" Y/n asked Camila as the brunette came over to sit down on her lap.

"I have a good thrower, plus this is the only thing I can do that involves any kind of coordination." The singer laughed loudly as she made fun of herself.

"That's not true, you can dance really well too." Y/n pointed out as she threw a piece of popcorn into her own mouth. Camila thought for a moment, tapping her chin with her finger.

"Yeah I guess that's true. It took a lot of training though." Camila giggled and leaned in to hug the other woman, sighing in bliss.

The singer hummed and wrapped her arms around the Cuban's waist, shuddering as she felt warm breath hitting her neck from where Camila's head was resting.

She craned her neck to the side, feeling Camila's eyes look up at her and the two stopped to stare at one another, millimeters apart from each other's lips.

Y/n leaned in first, capturing Camila's lips with her own and savoring the taste of the woman's tongue as the kiss began to deepen automatically.

They hadn't done anything yet besides kiss and now they were finally alone, with no responsibilities nor interruptions, so both took advantage of the rare opportunity.

Camila straddled Y/n and ground
her jean covered center onto the singer's bulge that was slowly growing with each thrust. Y/n's hands travelled down the brunette's waist and landed on her backside; the artist massaging the warm flesh beneath her hands.

Camila softly moaned into Y/n's mouth and pulled the woman in closer by the front of her sweater; the air growing hotter as the two made out on the couch. She gasped as she felt Y/n stand, her legs still wrapped around the taller woman's waist and the other singer supporting her weight easily with one arm.

Y/n took two strides towards the hallway and pushed Camila against the wall next to it, using it as support to hold up the smaller woman as she leaned back to pull off her sweater; leaving her in her white t-shirt.

Camila stared at her through hooded eyes and with swollen lips as she threaded her fingers through the back of Y/n short hair.

"I swear if you don't get to that bedroom right now, I will walk out that door and never come back."

The brunette threatened as she met Y/n's lips once more in a bruising kiss; both now headed towards the bedroom.

Y/n laid Camila down on the bed, the other woman moving herself backwards slowly to rest her head on the pillows. The singer slid herself between Camila's legs, kissing the singer's neck and sucking harshly on her pulse point.

She could feel Camila writhing beneath her, her center looking for any kind of friction as she wrapped her legs around Y/n's hips and pulled them down towards her. The artist pulled out of the smaller woman's grasp to peel off her t-shirt and sports bra.

She looked towards Camila who had sat up also and was pulling her crop top over head, exposing a lacy black bra underneath. Y/n gulped, mouth watering as she drank in the sight of the gorgeous Cuban beneath her.

The Beautiful Musician (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now