Chapter 9

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"Y/n! How was New York?! Who were you talking about in the interview?!"

"We've seen you hanging out with fellow artist, Camila Cabello recently! Are you two dating?!"

"Is your new song about your relationship with Camila Cabello or an ex?!"

The artist was bombarded with questions by paparazzi as she made her way to the awaiting driver, who quickly scooped up her suitcase for her and put it in the trunk. Without a single word, Y/n slid into the vehicle and shut the door, thankful that the tinted windows protected her from the cameras.

She heard her ringer go off indicating an incoming call and she answered without glancing at the contact name.


"Hi! How was your flight?" Camila's chirpy voice asked as Y/n heard her shuffle around to sit.

"It was good! I was actually going to call you when I landed. I'm so sorry that we didn't get to FaceTime last night, I must've passed out from exhaustion."

"Yeah, I figured something came up when I didn't get a text until five this morning, right before you were leaving for the airport." Camila responded, laughing lightly.

Y/n blushed out of embarrassment and chuckled. She'd gotten back to the hotel room late and laid down to call the artist, but she must've fallen asleep because she woke up fully clothed in bed when her alarm went off the next morning. She really had been working too much and she really needed to take a break, obviously.

"Yeah, again I'm so sorry. I'm also sorry I texted you so early, I forgot about the time difference." Y/n laughed loudly, biting down on her lower lip. "But anyways, we're still on for hanging out today at six right?"

"Yeah of course! Why?" Camila questioned.

"Well, I have a little surprise for you." Y/n grin evident in her voice as she heard Camila gasp on the other end.

"What is it?!" Camila asked excitedly.

"I'm not telling you yet! You'll have to wait and see, Mila." Y/n laughed when she heard Camila pouting through the phone. But the brunette finally relented and agreed.

"Fine, I'll wait, but this isn't fair! You wrote the most adorable song for me, performed it on national television as a surprise, and now there's something else? Wow, I need to step up my game." Camila teased the singer.

"Yeah you do. Where's my surprise song and performance?" Y/n shot back, laughing when Camila giggled and 'tsked' through the phone in mock offense. The two talked a bit more about their day before bidding their goodbyes and hung up; the car making it's way back to the artist's home.


The artist grabbed her towel from the rack by the shower, drying herself off from the long shower she'd just taken. The hot water had helped soothe some of her muscles that had cramped up during the flight and calmed her nerves. She pulled on her Calvin Klein boxers and matching sports bra before heading to her closet to look for something suitable to wear.

The singer had planned on asking Camila to be her girlfriend officially, even though they were basically dating by this point, and her romantic side wanted to pull out all the stops for the brunette. Y/n had rented a private airbnb back in Los Angeles during her stay in New York and had sent Jay out to buy all the supplies she needed so that it would be ready by the time she returned.

She pulled on her favorite pair of light washed jeans from Calvin Klein, and a distressed white t-shirt, throwing a slightly oversized faded maroon quarter zip over it. She slipped on a pair of white sneakers with a maroon colored 'H' on the side and gum soles to keep the outfit casual and to match her sweater, and fastened her favorite silver watch from Movado around her wrist.

The Beautiful Musician (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now