Chapter 20

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The city looked bleaker than usual, the sky a mess of gray clouds and fog that settled low over the buildings.
A light mist dusted over the artist's jacket as she made her way to the small coffee bar on Ninth, a bustling cafe whose earth tones and alternative music attracted hipsters from miles around.

The line was typically out the door, but the amazing coffee and baked goods made the obnoxiously long wait worth it. Today, however, only a few people were lined up in front of the counter, ordering their lattes for the long commute through Los Angeles traffic.

Y/n stood behind a woman who chatted loudly on the phone, spouting off gossip as she jostled around her designer purse. Once they had made their way up to the counter, the middle aged woman held up one finger rudely to the barista; her piercing green eyes squinting in irritation as she tossed her smartphone on the counter, still searching for her missing wallet.

The barista waited patiently for a few moments, before asking the blonde if she wouldn't mind stepping off to the side to search for her wallet while she helped the remaining two customers behind her. 

"Excuse me?! I've been waiting in this line for more than thirty minutes! How dare you ask me to step out of line! Everyone can wait a little longer now that you've decided to be an impatient brat!"

Y/n's jaw dropped, the artist stunned by the venom tipped words thrown at the barista. She took a step forward, laying her palm on the counter next to the angry woman and cut in smoothly before the conversation could escalate any further.

"I understand your hurry, we all have somewhere to be. But there's no reason to be rud-"

The woman cut the artist off before Y/n could even finish her sentence, turning her full attention towards the singer and cocking one manicured eyebrow up in disgust.

"And who do you think you are? I'll have you know that my family is-"

"I don't really care who your family is, lady. If it takes me buying your coffee to get you out of here faster, then I will." The singer stated in a firm, but calm voice as she held out her card to the barista.

"I'll take a regular coffee with some milk, please, as well as whatever this lady wants."

The barista took Y/n's card, smiling fondly at the singer before turning towards the blonde with an over exaggerated smile plastered on her face.

"Whatever can I get for you?" The teenager's voice dripped in sarcasm as she held a waiting finger up to the computer screen.

"You know what, I'll be taking my business elsewhere! Somewhere I'm appreciated and treated well!"

With a loud 'humph' and a flick of her long blonde hair, the woman marched out of the coffee shop, eliciting claps from the entire cafe as Y/n shrugged her shoulders with a grin.

"Good luck finding Neverland, babes!" The barista called after her, swiping Y/n's card and handing it back to the artist who was trying not to laugh. "As always, it's great to see you, Y/n!."

"Thanks, Ellie. You too." The artist smiled, slipping her wallet back into the pocket of her grey joggers and walked towards the opposite to wait for her drink.

Y/n leaned against the wall comfortably, scrolling through her various social media accounts. She flipped through article after article about her and Camila's relationship, reading headlines promising 'dirty' details on the women's relationship, or an inside scoop on the lives of the two A-list celebrities.

She shook her head and snorted quietly, never ceasing to be amazed by some of the most ridiculous rumors circling the internet these days.

The singer had been tagged in a multitude of photos from her last performance in Los Angeles; fans wishing her well and raving about the final show that had concluded her U.S. tour. It had all ended a couple of weeks ago, giving the artist a much needed break as she tried stepping out of the limelight, for a bit, to recuperate.

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