Menagerie Arc Ending!

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We get shots of the entire city, and we see Gintoki holding a carton of strawberry milk. He sighs and gets up to head outside. 

He walks along the road, soon joined by you, Shinpachi, and Kagura, who is riding on Sadaharu. 

Team RWBY join up, with Weiss begrudgingly holding hands with Ruby, and Blake resting her head on Yang's shoulder, who just jokes about the situation. 

Kondou, Hijikata, and Sougo come up with Hijikata sucking from a mayo bottle, and Sougo empties it with his sword, leading to Hijikata to chase him! Kondou notices Tae coming up and tries to hug her, only for Kyuubei to punch him. 

The two hold hands and walk together, and then you guys notice Tsukyo in the far back. She blushes nervously, and she joins in after much persuasion. 

Katsura comes up with Elizabeth, and the Penguin Alien holds up a sign that says, "Always stick with your pals!" 

Sa-Chan tries to hug and kiss you out of nowhere, only for you to slam her into the ground. 

Then Nobume shows up carrying a box of donuts, and stuffs a Pon de Ring into her mouth. 

We then see everyone sitting under a cherry blossom tree, with Ruby and Weiss blushing together, and you just shipping them, same goes for Blake and Yang! Gintoki does a speech about something stupid, which leads to Shinpachi to question him, and then Kagura corrects him, and says virgin. Shinpachi begins to angrily rant at that, with Tae trying to calm him down, and Kondou backs her up, and tries to make a move, which leads to her to hit him with a baseball bat right into Hijikata and Sougo. 

Katsura and Elizabeth then start performing for everyone in the style of rap, though Katsura gets mad at Elizabeth for not speaking when he's supposed to, which leads to Gintoki to kick them in the face! 

You then hold out a donut and Nobume grabs it with her teeth immediately. 

Tsuyko gets drunk and starts scaring everyone off! 

You go to stop her, and Sa-chan tries to help you! You use her as a shield, and hug Tsukyo which causes her to collapse with a smile. 

We end with a picture of everyone together ... smiling... 

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