Let's Thrash Some Scrap! (Part 2!!)

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The robots charged in, only for them to be hit by flying debris!

???: Okay, who dragged me out from here?!

Silver the Hedgehog (A Psychic Hedgehog from another dimension! He was tricked into thinking that Sonic would destroy the world, but became an ally once things were cleared up

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Silver the Hedgehog (A Psychic Hedgehog from another dimension! He was tricked into thinking that Sonic would destroy the world, but became an ally once things were cleared up. He protects his closest friend, Princess Blaze!)


He facepalms himself, before getting hit by a fireball!

???: Whoever forcibly dragged me out all the way here for no reason, has a lot of explaining to do! Sonic?! What is it this time?

Sonic: Hey Blaze!

Blaze the Cat (This feline is a princess from the Sol Dimension! She guards the Sol Emeralds, and has the power of fire! She's pretty shy around new people, is afraid of heights, and is also a very refined and polite woman!)

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Blaze the Cat (This feline is a princess from the Sol Dimension! She guards the Sol Emeralds, and has the power of fire! She's pretty shy around new people, is afraid of heights, and is also a very refined and polite woman!)

Napalm Man: Heh, how about I introduce you new guys with a little song I like to call-

(Replace Dr. D with Dr. W!)

He starts firing missiles everywhere!!

But then-

???: Target locked on. Status: Allied with Eggman. Must Destroy!

E-123 "Omega" (One of Eggman's strongest creations! He despises his master for shutting him down and kicking him in an abandoned factory! He is part of Shadow's trio, along with the Black Hedgehog and Rouge!)

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E-123 "Omega" (One of Eggman's strongest creations! He despises his master for shutting him down and kicking him in an abandoned factory! He is part of Shadow's trio, along with the Black Hedgehog and Rouge!)

(Y/N): AAAAGH! Another robot!

Shadow: Watch it. He's on our side. Omega, can you scrap them?

Omega: Affirmative, I will eliminate all of Eggman's robots!

And with that, he begins to fire at Napalm Man, who brings out Napalm shots!

Napalm Man: I will not disappoint my Master!

Omega: Please, you will not stand a chance against my arsenal.

Omega fires so many shots, that Napalm Man can't keep up!

Napalm Man: What?! AARGH!!

He is blown up, and Omega assists in attacking the others!

(Y/N): ALRIGHT! Let's do it!!

More robots attack, and you all rush in!!

Megaman: EAT THIS!!

Megaman blasts Wood man in the face, Sonic trips Shadow Man who ends up hitting Pharaoh Man.

Pharaoh Man: HOW DARE YOU!!

Shadow Man: You have brought me dishonor Hedgehog!! DIE!!

He summons a clone, and tries to throw exploding shurikens, but he gets bashed by Amy!


Shadow Man: I have failed.

All the other Robot Masters still attack, though Galaxy Man sends a black hole, at the same time Tengu Man creates a tornado!

Galaxy Man: What the?! YOU IDIOT!!!

Tengu Man: I'M THE IDIOT?! SAYS YOU!!!

Several of the Robot Masters were sucked in!!

(Y/N): You're making this easier! Let's go gang!!!

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