23 : Lucifer.

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"Say it."


The next day when they woke up, Mira and Taehyung acted as if nothing happened.

They totally didn't fell asleep holding each other and completely didn't hold each other to borderline death as they were both huggers in their slumber.

But with Taehyung's piece being done, it meant Mira was going back home, and she could tell he wasn't happy about it by the way a slight frown formed on his face when she announced it.

She didn't want to leave either, but she didn't want to overstretch her stay.

"Say you'll miss having me around." She teased him again.

They both sat the living room, a cigarette between his lips as he sat in a comfortable position, one leg propped on the couch, the other folded under it.

"Who said I'll miss you ?"

"You know you will." She scoffed.

"Whether you're here or not, it doesn't change much, you're not my girlfriend." He shrugged.

She hummed longly in response, scouting closer to him and kissing his cheek, which he didn't reject.

"You know you like me captain."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He shrugged mindlessly, though his body language betrayed him.

She peppered kisses on his cheeks and unconsciously, he leaned towards it, relaxing a little under the affection.

Being around him, Mira learned to be more observant as everything with him was in the details.

It could be tiring for some people, but it's in moments like these that she knew it's all worth it at the end.

Though he was the way he was, she'd give him the world on a silver plate without hesitation.

Nobody just happened to be closed off like that for no reason, and though she won't push him around to know, Mira will be all ears when he'll be ready to tell her why.

"Well I'm gonna miss you." She mumbled against his skin.

He hummed in response, slightly nodding as he raised his brows.

"Because you're my lover that I love, love, love.. Not love like that of course, let's not go that far." She immediately precised.

"How is it then ?" He asked, tapping the cigarette in the ashtray.

She forcefully changed his position to make him sit down normally, climbing on his lap to wrap her arms around his neck, untying his hair to play with it, knowing he liked it though he never clearly confirmed he did.

She paused a few seconds to think about her answer.

Of course she didn't love him like that, that was for sure. There was much more she needed to know to affirm that.

But she had a strong liking for him.

"Like you love a friend, but like.. Plus plus." She answered.

And unexpectedly, that made him let out a soft chuckle, bringing a smile to her face as she kissed his forehead.

"Did you just friendzone me after romancing me ?" He asked, his head forcefully pressed against her chest as she hugged his head, pressing a kiss on top of his scalp.

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