47 : Love, love, love.

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"Eren Yeager."

"Mira Ackerman ?"

"Aaliyah Davis."

".. You're pregnant ?"

There was a common confusion in the room.

Mira swore she wouldn't get involved in whatever Eren and Aaliyah had. She swore she would've mind her business and not said or asked anything.

But she couldn't.

Especially when they apparently already went on official dates, were always together and smiling at their phones when they received a text from each other.

That deep.

The trio sat in Eren's living room, their usual hangout place.

"Why would I be pregnant ?" Mira asked, completely confused.

"Because you have morning sex on kitchen tables ?" Aaliyah casually answered. "I don't know, your sexual life seems to be thriving."

"Do I need to be here for this ?" Eren asked, untying his hair. "I feel like I'm too much in this conversation."

Mira took a deep breath, putting her hands on her hips as she stood facing the pair who were sitting on the big couch, Eren's head falling on Aaliyah's thighs, the boy extremely unbothered.

"That's the not the topic, I came to know what situationship in the world is this ?" She asked, determined to have answers. "Because one day Eren has a girlfriend, next thing I know he's all 'Aaliyah, Aaliyah, Aaliyah'."

The two other fought the urge to laugh, because even though she wasn't realizing, Mira sounded exactly like a mother of four complaining.

"I'd like to know before something blows up in face because if one of you fucks up, my peace and quiet will not be disturbed by your love-wise incompetent selves." She finished.

"I left my girlfriend for Aaliyah, that's it, now we're kind of.. Well I don't know, now we're just chilling and stuff, no pressure." He said without an ounce of hesitation.

"You what ?!"

"I mean, why would I be with someone if I want someone else ?" He asked. "Mira, while I was abroad Aaliyah called me more than my girlfriend did and I ended up catching feelings, that's it, it's not that deep."

Mira's jaw was on the floor.

She knew they were talking a lot indeed, but she never saw that coming. Or she did, but didn't expect it to really happen.

Eren didn't lose time, he never did, he never liked beating around the bush.

But she didn't think he'd be the type to leave his girlfriend for someone else. Then again, it was better than cheating, so she didn't know how she felt about that.

Either ways she'll keep that to herself, he was grown and could do whatever he wanted.

"And.. It's reciprocated ?"

"Yeah." Aaliyah casually answered.

"Oh wow."

Mira couldn't stay up anymore, sitting on the single couch with her lips still parted, eyes fixated on the two who were looking back at her, waiting for an answer.

They knew she'd be supportive, and it was fair of her to ask a heads up because indeed, she was the person they both tend to run to when there was a problem. However, they never expected her to be so shocked, looking at them like they just told her they killed her whole family.

"I.. Wow.. No, hold on."

She grabbed her cup of water that was on the coffee table, taking a large gulp of it to calm herself down.

They looked so peaceful too, so casual in that position, as if it always made sense.

She had to admit, they made the cutest couple, but it didn't make her any less shocked.

"So.. Now I have to sit there and hear two call each other 'baby' ?" She asked, slowly accepting the situation.

"We have decency Mira." Aaliyah deadpanned. "And I don't call him baby, what the fuck.."

"I don't know your business." Mira shrugged, a small smirk forming on her lips. "By the way Eren, I'm the one who suggested the playboy piercings, thank me."

"The smartest idea you ever had, I like how it feels on my ton-"

"See, this is where you stop." She cut him off before he could go on.

There was a small silence as they both looked at Mira up and down, which made her feel quite nervous, wondering if she said something wrong.

They've never looked at her like that, matter of fact, the only people they looked at that way were people they analyzed to talk shit about.

"What ?"

".. Have you ever realized that you're starting to talk exactly like your little captain hook ?" Aaliyah asked.

"I don't." She answered, eyebrows furrowing.

"Yeah you do, my ears are now thriving because you stopped screaming." Eren nodded in agreement.

"You should really pay attention to your girlfriend before talking about other people." She scoffed.

"And just like that, you proved my point." Aaliyah deadpanned.

Mira rolled her eyes, cramping herself in a fœtus position comfortably.

"Whatever." She sighed, fixing her hair clip. "See that's how I'm going to become one of these girls who forget their friends over dick, you know, people like Aaliyah."

"Difference is I'm her friend." Eren scoffed. "That guy has never been your friend."

Mira sighed softly, playing with the strings of the hoodie she stole from the man himself, rolling it around her index, mind filled with him, with all the projects they were making, their future.

She couldn't help but feel a little giddy over it, she felt like she had a high school crush that had her excited over the smallest thing.

That's exactly how Taehyung made her feel.

Like a teenage girl with a fat crush, except he was her boyfriend, yet, she'll never stop trying to seduce him just to have the reassurance that he was hers, that she was the only one he looked at like that, that only her could say and do these things to him and have him melt in her hands, though he'd never admit it.

"Guys I think I'm gonna go, enjoy your afternoon." She said, standing up.

"Where are you go-" Aaliyah started but Eren put a hand over her mouth.

"Stay safe Mims." He gave her a smile.

She hummed absentmindedly in response, walking out towards her car.

For some reason, she just felt this sudden urge to tell Taehyung that she loved him.

Not over the phone but to his face, she wanted to look at him in the eyes when she said it, she wanted to see his pupils enlarge at the three words, to feel his heart beat pick up while she held him, see this eyes smile he always gave her when she said something like this to him.

She didn't fight it, her brain and heart both agreeing to go to him, the person who made any place feel like home.





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