43 : More than friends.

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The night of the party
After Mira and Taehyung left

Aaliyah sat on outside patio, peacefully smoking with her friend Morgan.

"Mira's all booed up and shit.. Who would've thought ?" Said girl spoke up, chuckling to herself.

"Mimi deserves it." Aaliyah answered, shrugging. "'m happy for her."


Aaliyah never really despised Taehyung, she knew he was good guy.

She was happy that her best friend was left in his hands rather than another trashy guy like Seokjin.

And all that thought about exes made her think about her other best friend, Eren.

She still didn't know if he was still in his relationship, but boy did he look scrumptious tonight, making her feel ways she shouldn't feel.

He wore a simple white tee with baggy jeans, his usual golden chain around his neck, his hair gathered in its usal man bun.

Eren was fine, there was no doubt about that, but though she talked about it with Mira, she don't think she'll ever cross the line like that.

"I think I'm gonna back inside.. Here, you can finish it." Morgan cut her train of thoughts, standing up.

Aaliyah hummed in response, watching her walk back towards the glass door, but when she opened it, Eren was heading out.

A small smirk formed on Aaliyah's face as he crashed next to her on the couch, letting his head roll back against the back rest.

She wasn't smirking anymore, she was getting nervous.. And also horny, but that's irrelevant.

"What's wrong Yeager ?" She asked, nudging his arm. "Need to talk ?"

".. I broke up with her." He got right into the topic, turning his head to his best friend. "That night you told me to pick you up at the club, we broke up."

Aaliyah silently passed him the blunt that he took without hesitation, taking a good inhale and slightly coughing when he breathed out, which he always did, claiming that it got him high quicker.

"You want a hug ?" She asked, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah.. I'm not really sad though, it was expected but it still feels weird." He explained.

"If you don't feel sad then why do you want a hug ?" She teased him.

"You want me to be honest ?"

She hummed in response, her eyes never leaving his once, the emerald orbs starting to look a little glossy, his upper eyelid lowering.

"The reason is stupid though." He chuckled to himself.

"You can't do this to me Yeager ! Tell me.."

He took a deep inhale of the joint, eyes never leaving her as he blowed the smoke in her face, making her look away.

He'd feel way to embarrassed if she was looking at him when he'd explain why.

"Because you look good, is it a problem that I wanna be hugged and comforted by a pretty girl ?"

She turned to him, biting her lower lip nervously.

It was only Eren, yet it made her so nervous.

"Fuck, Aaliyah don't that.." He breathed out, voice getting lower.

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