|| Bȳre - Love or Duty ||

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The wall stands in the farthest corner of the north where men of the night's watch guarded it for thousands of years from the White Walkers, Wildings, and Giants. They are the swords in the darkness. The watcher on the walls. The shield that guards the realms of men. They pledged their lives and honors to the Night's Watch until the very last night of their lives.

Jon Snow joined the night's watch. He was known as Lord Eddard Stark's bastard son. Jon was informed about what happened to his father, and just like his brother Robb. He also wanted to avenge him. Make them pay for what they've done. Jon wants to join Robb in his battle to free their sisters from Joffrey and Cersei Lannister. However, He is currently bound to the Night's watch.

" Sam said you wanted to see me? " Jon asked as he approached their Grand Maester.

" I did indeed. Perhaps you would be kind enough to assist me. " Maester Aemon answered after he stopped chopping the raw meat.

The raven-haired boy obeyed without saying anything as he do what the Maester ordered him what he needs to do.

" Tell me, did you ever wonder why the men of the Night's Watch take no wives and father no children? " The old blind man questioned.

" No. " Jon shortly answered before walking towards the cages of ravens to feed them.

" So they will not love. Love is the death of duty. " The raven's croak continues almost overpowering their voice.

" If your lord father was forced to choose between honor on the one hand, and those he loves on the other what would he do? " Jon took a few seconds of silence.

" He... He would do whatever was right. No matter what. Maybe the reason why they behead him. " Jon answered while continuing to feed the birds.

" Then Lord Stark is one man in ten thousand. Most of us are not strong. " Maester Aemon stayed on his spot.

" What is honor compared to a woman's love? and what is duty? against the feel of a newborn son in your arms? or a brother's smile? " The Maester continued that made him stop from moving.

" Sam told you. " Jon said.

" We are all humans. Oh, We all do our duties when there's no cost to it. Honor comes easy then. Yet, sooner or later in every man's life there comes a day when it's not easy. A day when he must choose. " He felt his presence coming closer to him.

" And this is my day? Is that what you're saying? " Jon faced the older man with his voice raised by a bit.

" Oh, it hurts, boy. Oh, yes. I know. " Before the Maester can continue he interrupts him.

" You do not know. No one knows. " He turned his back on him.

" I may be a bastard, but he is my father and Robb is my brother. " A confused look appeared on Jon's face when Maester Aemon let out a small laugh.

" The gods were cruel when they saw fit to test my vows. They waited till I was old. " He gazed at Jon directly while he step forward to him.

" What could I do when the ravens brought the news from the South, The ruin of my House, death of my family? I was helpless, blind, and frail. But... when I heard they had killed my brother's son, and his poor son, and the children! even the little children! One is lost nobody knew what happened to her but they said she is good as dead! " Jon saw the pain and anger in Maester Aemon's voice.

" Who are you? " He asked him.

" My father was Maekar, the first of his name. My brother Aegon reigned after him when I had refused the throne. And he was followed by his son Aerys whom they called the Mad King. " The older one answered.

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