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Kirishima POV:

After about 15 minutes we decided to go down and wait outside the school gates, as we did Bakugou tapped me in the shoulder.

"Yeah? What's up?"
"Did Dunce face say we're going to the airport?"
"Yeah why?"
"Doesn't matter. Where we going anyway?"
"Not sure, some place in Australia I think, can't remember though haha."

Wonder if he doesn't like airplanes or something. I'll ask him later, it doesn't really matter at the moment.

"Hey guys!!"

It was Mina.

"You're late Pinky-Pie."
"Hahaha, nice nickname Bakuhoe."
"Shut up."

Mina and Sero came and sat with me and Bakugou and we waited another few minutes for Kaminari and Jirou.

"We've got 20 minutes to get to the airport." I said as I got up.
"Yeah." Said Kaminari, following me.

After about 10 minutes I ran over to catch up with Bakugou, since he was walking faster than the rest of us, despite having a pretty big bag on his back.

"Bakugou." I said putting my arm over his shoulders.
"What." He said pushing my arm off of him.
"Do you not like airplanes?" I asked. He stopped walking and just kinda looked at me.
"What makes you think that?" He said.
"Well when you asked earlier you didn't seem very, well, happy I guess." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
"So because I didn't seem happy you assume I'm scared if airplanes." He huffed at me, walking faster than before.
"Dude, yeah, I kinda did assume that, but I'm asking if you are!" I laughed.
"Well I'm not."
"Okay okay."

We arrived at the airport and I looked around at the others, they all looked pretty excited, well not Jirou, she was just kinda looking at the building as if it were school. So, she must not like planes. Or maybe she does, I don't know. But she looked bored. Kaminari was holding sero's shoulders and jumping up and down behind him. Mina was laughing at Kaminari and sero was just kinda standing there. I looked over at Bakugou. He doesn't ever look happy but he didn't look angry now, more nervous I guess. I've never seen him pull that face though so I'm not sure what it means.

We went inside and spoke to the lady at the desk.
"Good morning ma'am!" Said Kaminari confidently.
"It's afternoon Kami." Said Mina.
"Oh. Good afternoon ma'am!" He said again.
She laughed, "good afternoon."
"Let me do it. Okay we booked flights to Bondi Beach, in uhhh, New South Wales? I think. No I mean I know we booked it i me-" sero said.
"No I know what you meant don't worry, yeah, you're Hanta Sero?" She said. He nodded. She smiled.
"Okay you're at gate...5. Enjoy your flight." She said, pointing to the gate.
"Thank you!!"

We walked over to the gate and Jirou was holding Mina's hand and she looked a little scared.
"You okay Jirou?" I asked her.
"Uh, yeah, I just don't like the takeoff on the planes." She said, chuckling a little.
"It's okay, I've got her." Said Mina.

Kaminari and sero were chatting and Bakugou was looking out the large glass windows as the planes taking off . I walked over to him.
"Hey." I said.
"Hm." He replied.
"You alright?" I asked him, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Uh, I hate to say this, but no." He said. I was shocked, I never thought he'd admit to being upset so easily.
"What's wrong?" I said.
"Don't like flying." He said, looking down at the floor.
"Oh. I'll look after you don't worry." I said, trying not to sound weird.

~would gate 5 like to board their plane please~

We all looked over, then got ourselves into our group, so we could stick together. Jirou was still holding Mina's hand. Sero and Kaminari hadn't shut up. And Bakugou was walking with me.
As we got closer to the plane I could hear Bakugou's breath get heavy. I looked over at him.
"Hey, it's okay." I told him, taking his hand in mine.

We got onto the plane and we went to the back of the plane. The seats were arranged strangely. The went like:

1  2     3 4 5 6    7 8

There was only six of us, so we'd take the ones in the left side. Bakugou was at the window seat, and I was next to him, then it was Sero and kami, then Mina and Jirou.

~5 minutes until the plane takes off, make sure you're in your seats!~

Bakugou was sat looking down at his lap, breathing quickly and pretty heavily. I put my hand on his leg and tried to calm him down.

Word count: 794

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