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??? POV

As I open my eyes the light rays of the sun rising on the horizon flashes. The the vacant crack of the small fire as the wood burn to ash. Putting the fire out I get up picking up my rifle and start walking.

uhhh 'what is this place, and who am I. What is my purpose'

???1: "so how did it go doctor" I heard a males voice.

???2: "the experiment went well, the only thing needed is just to add the global map data" a female voice.

'Why does the sound of her voice calm me, what is this feeling'

???1: alright once your doing that I'll be taking him.

I then hear heavy footsteps and a door closing.

???2: sighs Like hell you're taking him.

then everything goes silent.

I don't remember a lot after that.
The next thing I knew was that I
was in some sort of military confinement. They would train me in combat.

I was then taken to a laboratory. I had met a woman name persica, apparently she was the one who created me. she would then teach me in stratigizing and directories. While that she also treated me as her son, and I always wondered why.

She then gave me a rifle identified as a AR-10 along with a 1911. walking. I noticed that I'm able to use my eyes to scan my surroundings and identify any living thing within the vicinity. She told me that she had enhanced my mainframe.

I don't know why but I enjoy the way she treated me. The attention, the love, I almost feel human.

6 months later

It's been a few months living with persica. we had moved to somewhere in Ukraine.

Persica: y/n are you alright. she glances at me as the plane lands.

"yes mother just wondering" I replied.

"wondering about what" she asked.

"am I the only one of my kind" I said getting up gathering our luggage.

she chukles "we'll see maybe you'll have some sisters" I follow her as we exit the plane.

a few years later there was an
advancement in technology. a company called sagnvis ferri had created tactical dolls. now that I think about it I'm kinda like them. then in 2035 another company was made "Important Operations Prototype Manufacturing Company, or IOP" founded in Ukraine which also specializes in Tatical dolls production since before world war three, along with a company called 16lab.I think mother was part of them

then 7 years later sagnvis ferri has produced its first T-doll.
A year IOP had serviced its first generation service doll called the nymph. 2 years later ww3 starts. The war destroyed most of the habitable land aswell as other nations. The war bolstered the development of Tactical Dolls and autonomous heavy weapon platforms to replace a rapidly-decreasing quantity of manpower. luckily our home wasn't involved.

World War Three had finally ended. 2 years later Griffen and kryuger was created. A year later Griffin and Kryuger had shifted from using human mercenaries to Tactical Dolls. Then Sangvis Ferri's AI named Elisa, had its mainframe is activated.

years later mother and 16Lab had finalizes A Dummy Network system she was talking about. I remember telling me that this can make the t-doll to be able to control 4-5 of their Dummy links increasing their fire power.

Then everything changed. an incident known as the butterfly incident where sagnvis ferris AI Elisa has gone Rouge turning against mankind after the death of a scientist named Lyco. As sangvis ferri reaked havoc, Mother then gave me a mission. And my mission is to fight sangvis ferri

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