chapter 2

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'How did this happen?' I'm sitting on the ground with a red hand mark on my right cheek while Gentiane is sitting on her bed with a red face glaring at me.


I woke up feeling someone on top and beside me. I open my eyes and see Helena on top of me. M4 and AR 15 on my left while SOP was on my right. Helena started shuffling and opened her eyes. "Morning," she lays her head back onto my chest and falls asleep. Sigh.

I slowly lift her, laying her next to SOP, making sure not to wake them, and walk out of the room. The hallway is quiet and empty. 'It's quiet,' my footsteps echo through the halls as I continue my way. I reach Gentiane's door and knock, but no one answers. I open the door and she is nowhere to be seen. I walk inside, looking around.

Then I heard a door open. I look towards the sound to see Gentiane in nothing but covering herself with a towel. Everything is quiet, then a loud smack is heard as I fell onto the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" she was about to slap me again, but I moved out of the way and ran towards the door. I stood in front of the door for a few minutes.

"You can come in now." I open the door and walk in, as she had changed into her uniform. She then points in front of her at the ground. "Sit." I walk in front of her and sit.

End flashback

I wait as the silence continues. "Are you not going to put on some clothes?" She stays quiet. I stare at the ground, waiting for the silence to be broken. "So what is your excuse?" I keep my head down. "I was coming to discuss our next mission."

Suddenly, Gentiane's expression changes. "Next mission?" she asks, her voice tense with concern. "Yes," I reply, meeting her gaze. "We've detected intruder in the area, We need to be prepared."

I nod in understanding. "Be ready in 10 minutes," she responds, her demeanor shifting into focused readiness. "Let's not waste any more time."

We get up and move to gear up, equipping ourselves with our weapons and ammo. The tension in the air is palpable as we make our final preparations. Without a word, we head out to the awaiting helicopter, the urgency of the mission driving your every move.

As the helicopter takes off, The hum of the rotor blades fills the air, drowning out any other sound. I exchange a determined glance with m4 and the others who silently affirm our commitment to the mission ahead.

But then, a sudden jolt rocks the helicopter as it veers sharply to avoid an incoming rocket. In the chaos, I feel myself losing grip, and before I know it, I was falling out of the open door, plummeting towards the ground below.

M4s voice echoes in my ears as I free fall, her shouts barely audible over the roar of the wind. With a surge of panic, I desperately grasp for anything to soften my fall, but it's futile. The ground rushes up to meet me, and everything goes dark.

Hours later

I open my eyes to see that it had become night time. I get up picking up my AR-10 and start walking. 'We were heading north so I should meet up with them eventually' as I walk through the empty roads silence fill the area.

As I walk through the empty roads, the silence is suddenly shattered by the distant sound of gunfire. Instinctively, I quicken my pace, following the noise until I reach its source.

In a clearing ahead, I spot someone over someone else, as I get closer I recognized the girl on top as m16a1 the final member of the AR team. "So this is where you were" m16 look towards my direction

"Looks like we have company" m16 said, I walk towards them as m16 got up putting her knife away as the girl on the ground sat up

M16's grip on the weapon tightens, but they meet your gaze. "We've been looking for you," I said. I look towards the girl on the ground. "HK416 its nice to see you again"

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