chapter 3

34 1 3

y/n POV

"So your going to meet helian at Griffen's base" gentiane had packed some of her things.

"Yeah so I'll be gone for a bit" with a nod

"is there anything you need us to do before you go" she looks at kalina.

"There's a small sangvis camp near griffens base that needs to be cleared nothing to much" I look at kalina

"is the main objective a search and destroy" she nods

"Be safe even though its just a small mission" I look at gentiane giving a concern look. I nod and head back to my room.

As I was walking in the hallways I ran into intruder."Hey I've been looking for you"

"Sorry gentiane needed to talk to me for something" she nods and wraps her arm around my neck.

"Did she give you mission" I nodded "just a quick search and destroy nothing to bad"

"how's about me and you have a night together when you get back" I jump back from her grasp with my face red as she smiles staring at me.

"I need to go get ready" I started to speed walk slightly embarrassed as I can hear her laughing. I open the door to my room and see m4 sitting on her bed.

"Your back" I nodded

"we'll be heading out in a bit just a small mission" you looks at me worried. "whats the mission"

"just going to check out a small camp" I start grabbing my gear. She nodded and went to get the others

I put my sidearm into my belt carrier and sling my rifle onto my back As m4 had arrive with the rest of her team. "you guys ready" they nodded and we walked out heading back to gentianes office.

"You ready" I see gentiane and her escort G36 waiting for me.

I nodded "yes mam"

"Alright let's go" we started making our way to the helipad to two helicopters waiting for us. I open the door entering as gentiane and G36 follow inside.

"Me and G36 will dropped first then you'll be headed to your area" I nodded and looked over to m4 at the other helicopter. I nodded and entered sitting on one of the seats as the helicopter lifts off and starts moving.

After a while our ride lands in a clear opening as m4s team continued onwards. Then gentiane and G36 get out "this our stop good luck and return home safe" I nodded as the helicopter takes off again heading further away from them.

The sound of the blades eliminates the silence as I sit on the edge near the open door. "Something's off" a feeling of paranoia hits me as something doesn't feel right 'its to quiet"

All of a sudden an alarm started going off. I run to the pilot "what's going on" the pilot is trying to maneuver the helicopter.

"We've been locked on by something" before I could realize the helicopter started to spin. I flew towards the open door but quickly grabbed onto one of the straps pulling my self back in. I look to the back rotor seeing it on fire damaged.

"I can't stabilize it we're going down" the helicopter started to spin faster as it drew closer to the ground.


"ughh shit" I open my eyes looking around. the helicopter had crashed onto its belly. I get up in pain limping towards the pilot.

he's dead

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