The Ties That Bind

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y/n POV

The rhythmic thumping of the helicopter's blades created a steady background noise as the team soared over the landscape, heading towards their reconnaissance mission. I opened my eyes, taking in the vast expanse below, a patchwork of greenery and ruins, a testament to the ravages of war.

Gentiane's voice broke through my reverie, bringing my attention back to the task at hand. "Alright team, once we reach the target area, we'll split up. M4, SOP, and everyone else will take the eastern sector " I spoke stopping gentiane "I'll take the western side" as the helicopter landed M4 and SOP exited along with gentianes squad while I stayed back in the helicopter as it takes off heading to the western side.

*Are you sure about this* I stood up on the edge. "Yes" I jump out of the helicopter so it doesn't get shot at while it landed.

Touching down on the outskirts of the enemy base, I disembarked swiftly, hiding in the trees pushing forward. The air was thick with tension as I got closer,

*How's it looking over there M4* I hide behind some rocks while looking down at the base.

*everything is good so far G36, had just sent the drone to scout further into the base*
I lay on my the ground to better cover myself.

Suddenly, a crackling voice broke through the silence,"Y/n, this is Gentiane. We've spotted a patrol heading your way. Be careful"

I can hear the grass crunching in front of me. I lay in wait for the patrol. I peak out to see 2 rippers and a vespid. I wait as they walk closer. I let the two rippers pass and then grab the vespid and shoot the two rippers in front and then the back of the vespid.

*y/n are you there* I then heard gentianes voice.

*yes patrol is taken care of* I drag the rippers and vespid and hide their bodies.
*through the drone I spotted a railway, so our orders are to wait until reinforcement have arrived and then we'll launch our attack* I nodes and scan the are to see where the patrol came from and see a door in the wall. I turn off my comms as to not get detected.

I look around and run towards the door. I slowly open the door to a hallway, I walk inside closing the door. I walk for a bit and come across a door. I open the door slightly to peek in. As I pushed open the door and stepped inside, I found myself face to face with a girl with striking pink hair, her eyes focused intently on something in her hands. She glanced up as I approached, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"AR-15, right?" I ventured, offering a tentative smile.

The girl nodded, her gaze flickering with a hint of wariness. "Yeah, that's me. And you are?"

"I'm AR-10," I replied, extending a hand in greeting. "But you can call me y/n. I'm here to help." I began untying her hands, then an explosion rocked the place. "Looks like they started". AR 15 stands up and walks away.

"where are you going" she stops "I'm going on a hunt" she then leaves.

As AR-15 embarked on her hunt for the leader, determination etched into her every step, I hurried towards the command room, my mind focused on retrieving any data that could be useful. Inside the dimly lit room, I spotted m4 and SOP 'looks like they thought the same Idea to

"Y/n, what's the situation?" M4 inquired, her voice steady amidst the chaos.

"AR 15 is okay but it seemed Like she still had something to finish" I walk over.

SOP looked, her expression reflecting nervousness. "Don't worry she'll be fine now let's go" I run out into the hallway.

As we hurried towards the exit, a figure stepped into our path. It was Hunter the ringleader of this base. I turned to M4 and SOP, "Go." They exchanged a worried glance but nodded, reluctantly leaving me to confront Hunter alone.

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