Revelations of the past

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y/n POV

Its been a few days after finding m4 and bringing AR15 back. I was in the dorm with Emily as she was drawing while I sat on the bed maintaining my AR-10. I set down my rifle and look at Emily "hey Emily want to get something to eat" she put her crayons down and stood up and extended her arms to me.

"Alright then" I pick her up sitting her on my shoulders as we leave the dorm. "So Emily can you tell me what your momma is like" she thought for a second "momma is very nice, but sometimes shes mean" doesn't ring a bell as to how her mother knows me. "Does your momma where a maid outfit Emily" she nodded.

Did she really have my child. I guess its expected after what we did before she had to leave. The smell draws closer as we get closer to the cafeteria. growl I look up at  Emily as she blushed. "Someones hungry" I open the doors and walk into the cafeteria as the smell gets stronger.

'there's not that many people here' I walk up to Springfield at the counter. "Hey Springfield" she looked up with her usual smile "hello y/n its nice to see you like always" she looked up at Emily. "Oh who's this little cutie"

I smile nervously "this is Emily my daughter" her eyes widened "YOUR DAUGHTER" I chuckled "yeah my sisters had the same reaction".


'I'm so dead' its been awhile since we left the battle field. All the girls are staring at me with their cold eyes. "so y/n" I look over to m4 glaring at me. "You said she was your daughter right" before I could respond "mhm mama said that papa is my papa"

"MAMA" uh oh not good, the girls except AR 15 and architect stood up and surrounded me. "Alright let's calm down now" I tried to scoot away, but they were blocking me.  "Who is her mother" I shrink into the seat. "I don't know OK but I might have an idea" I whispered the last part making sure they didn't here me. Reluctantly they sat back down as I sighed in relief.

I heard giggling as I looked at Emily who. Was laughing. I leaned my head back "Why me".

End flashback.

I chuckled remembering my expense when they found out. "So what's for breakfast" Springfield shook her head and smiled again. "Today we're having eggs, bacon, ham and rice" not bad. "Alright I'll take two plates. She nodded and walked into the kitchen before coming back out with our food. I set down Emily on the ground removing her off my shoulders.

"thanks let's go Emily" I took the plates walking to the table as Emily followed next to me. Setting the plates down on the table and siding in one of the sits as Emily sat next to me. We started eating as Emily smiled in joy. "Its good huh" she looked at me and nodded fast. I chuckled and started eating my food.

"Can we sit here" I look up and see Hannah and intruder. I nodded as they took their seats in front of us. Emily looked at them and smiled "hi hunter hi intruder" I look back and forth between them. "You know them Emily" she nodded "momma sometimes talked about them" I looked at hannah and intruder.

"Have you met her" they shook their heads "sorry no, but we're surprised that she knows us"  Hannah replied. I thought for a bit then looked at Emily. "Emily by chance does your mother wear a maid outfit" she looked at me and nodded "mhm how did you know" I sighed "well its because your mama and I are your parents" I heard silverware drop as I look at Hannah and intruder stiff as stone. While Emily was looking at me with stars in her eyes.

"Really papa you and mama are together" I nodded "your momma sometimes goes by agent right" she nodded as the stars in her eyes grew bigger. Then a there was a slam on the table as Hannah and intruder stood up and yelled "YOU AND AGENT HAD A CHILD TOGETHER" I heard some trays fall as the others in the cafeteria had dropped their trays in belief of what the two said.

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