Chapter 1

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Your pov:

"I'll get it!" I rushed down the stairs to the door.

"Not if I get there first!" Hank ran behind me, trying to reach the door first. I grew up knowing Hank my whole life and after my dad lost his powers he started drinking a lot, leaving Hank to raise me for the past few years. He didn't have to but he did, from that day I regarded him as my big brother. I looked behind and saw Hank catching up to me and used my powers to slow him down, causing a cloud of black smoke to appear in front of him, blinding him. The stranger outside knocked again, this time quite impatiently.

I opened the door leaving Hank in the smoke and saw a tall man on the step.

"Can I help you?"

"Uh yeah. What happened to the school?" His voice was deep and almost gruff. Then Hank appeared behind me, standing in front of me and closing the door a bit.

"The school's been shut for years." I could see the confusion on Hank's face as he said that. "Are you a parent?"

The man chuckled. "I sure as hell hope not." I let out a quiet giggle at that and Hank turned around glaring at me. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hank. Hank McCoy. I look after the house now." A look of shock covered the man's face.

"You're beast." How did he know that? Was he CIA? "Look at you. Guess you're a late bloomer." I would have laughed at that if it wasn't for him knowing Hank was Beast. Hank gave a smile to the stranger and whispered to me to get back.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Hank then tried to shut the door but the man put his foot in between letting it stay open. Then the man started pushing on the door, trying to pry it further open. Hank and the man now fighting for the door.

"So where's the professor?" I wouldn't call him a professor right now.

"There's no professor here." I spoke out, distracting the man for a second, giving Hank an advantage to the door.

"You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid. Come on. Sure there's not a little beast in there?"

"No. He's not here."

"C'mon Beast."

"Come on Beastie."

"No." The two started to bicker as I decided to gather a ball of black smoke in my hand, ready to throw it at the man's face when he pushed the door back. Before I could, he forced the door open and barged in. I was about to throw the smoke when Hank told me to not get involved.

"We said the school's closed." I diminished the ball of smoke.

"You need to leave."

"Not until I see the professor." Hank grabbed the man's shoulder and pulled him back.

"There's no professor here. I told you that."

"Look kid. You and I are going to be good friends." Then he punched Hank in the nose. I rushed over to check if Hank was alright as he fell to the floor. "You just don't know it yet." Then he rushed up the stairs.

"Hank, are you alright?" Then he started to turn blue.

"Stay here y/n." Then he ran after the mystery man.

"Professor?" I could hear the man calling for my dad. I took a step towards the stairs to help Hank but then the man was hurled onto the opposite side of the staircase. Hank jumped on him and threw him onto the table. Jumping onto the chandelier and hanging upside down, ready to get the man back for punching him and barging in. But then footsteps echoed and a voice called out.

"Hank?" There was the so-called professor. "What's going on here?"

"Professor?" I'm surprised the man was still conscious after those two throws.

"Please don't call me that."

"Why? You know this guy?"

"Yeah. He looks s-slightly familiar." It was clear he was drinking again but the way he slurred his words. "Get off the bloody chandelier Hank." Hank looked disappointed for a second before returning to the ground.

"You can walk."

"You're a perceptive one." Charles started walking down the stairs.

"I thought Erik-" Charles cut the man off.

"Which makes it slightly perplexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in. This is private property my friend." The man then climbed off the table and stood up, keeping his distance from Hank. "I'm going to have to ask him to ask you to leave." He pointed at Hank, slurring his words again. I don't think he noticed that I was here yet."Well...I'm afraid I can't do that because I was sent here for you." Why would someone be sent for my father?

"Well tell whoever sent you that I'm...busy" Charles was now sitting on the stairs, a glass of alcohol in his hand. The man chuckled lightly before replying.

"That's going to be a little tricky. Because the person who sent me...was you." What?

"About 50 years from now."

"50 years from now. Like 50 years in the future from now?" I could tell my dad though the man was taking the mick.


"I sent you from the future." Charles looked at Hank, still not noticing me. "Piss off."

"If you had your powers you'd know I was telling the truth."

"How'd you know I don't have my-" I could see a flash of panic on my dad's face. "Who are you?"

"I told you." Actually you just told us why you were here. I still don't know your name.

"Are you CIA?" That's what I said! "You been watching me?" The man started walking around the table, closer to Charles.

"I know you Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were nine. I know you thought you were going crazy when it first started. All the...voices in your head. And it wasn't till you were 12 that you realised all the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?"

"I never told anyone that."

"Not yet no...but you will."

"Alright you've piqued my interest. What do you want?"

"We need to stop Raven." What did my aunt have to do with this? "I need your help. We need your help. I think I'd like to wake up now." He got up from the stairs and was about to walk back up the stairs till I stepped out.

"He's telling the truth." Charles stumbled from the shock...and the alcohol and fell backwards. Falling into a cloud of smoke which prevented him from falling onto the ground.

"Bloody hell y/n! When did you get here?"

"I've been here the whole time." I used the cloud of smoke to push Charles into his study, Hank and Logan now following behind. Hank now back in 'human' form. Hank and Logan sat on the chairs whilst I stood in the corner of the room, wanting to be as far as I could from the smell of alcohol radiating off my father and the drink he was again pouring.

"So you're saying that they took Raven's power and what they...weaponised it."


"Well her genes are unique." I pitched in.

"Yes, she is Y/n. Let's say for the sake that I choose to believe you. Raven won't listen. No. Her heart and soul belong to someone else now." I looked over at Hank and saw a tinge of hurt on his face. He told me that they were friends when they were younger but I don't believe that they were only friends.

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