Chapter 4

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The drive back to the house took a bit less than 4 hours, majority of it consisting of me and Peter arguing about which Pink Floyd song is the best or blasting their songs and singing along, using my keychain as a mic and his walkman.

*Time skip*

"You go and park the car, I'll be right back." Before I could ask where he was going, he stepped out of the car and sped off. I sighed and shuffled over to the driver seat, thankfully there wasn't a car behind me. I drove into an empty spot on the street and reversed a bit to get it in line. As I stepped out of the car, I walked into the building to return the keys and returned back to where I parked the car. Turning around, Peter appeared in front of me causing me to nearly backhand him if he didn't dodge soon enough. "HEY! WHAT DID I DO?!"

"Sorry but you deserve it for scaring me like that." He lifted his hand up and held out an ice cream cone, his other hand holding his.

"Quickly take it. Before it melts." I took the ice cream from him and we started walking to the house, Peter complaining every 5 minutes that it would have been quicker if he just used his powers to take us there. I refused as I had enough super speed for today and my ice cream would probably get ruined. After 20 minutes, we finally reached the house but we couldn't get in. Why? Because my dad didn't give me the gate keys.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Watch this." Peter walked over to the chain and lock on the main gate and put his hands on them. Then he started moving his hands fastly on them.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm making the vibrations of my hands do...this." Then the lock broke and fell to the ground, a victory smile appearing on his face.

"I never knew you could make your hands vibrate to break stuff."

"I can make them do a lot more than break stuff." I walked up to him and grabbed and put my hand on his chest.

"Well maybe you could show me one day then." I walked off quietly laughing, leaving Peter behind and walking up the doorsteps. Pulling out my set of house keys and putting them in the lock, twisting them to open the door. I turned around to see if Peter was still back there but he was behind me again. This time I accidentally wacked him in the face with my keys. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He let out a groan and held his face, a look of betrayal masking his face.

"And after I got you ice cream as well..." He laughed a bit and I opened the door, letting him go in.

"Sit down, I'll go get the first aid kit."

*Time skip*

I walked back downstairs with the first aid kit in my hand and saw Peter sitting on the sofa with his headphones in, not hearing me yet. An idea popped into my head, I quietly walked over to the table behind Peter to put the kit down. I was about to scare the shit out of him, serves him right for scaring me today. I turned around, ready to walk behind Peter and scare him but when I looked he wasn't on the couch. I looked around trying to find him but didn't find him. Then I turned back to the table and was met with a hard chest, causing a scream to leave my mouth.

"GOD PETER! STOP DOING THAT!" I hit his chest with my hands before he grabbed them both with one hand and switched our place so that now I was leaning against the table. My wrists in Peter's hand and his arm on the table, caging me between him.

"You're forgetting I move faster than sound darling. I could hear you laugh." His brown eyes staring into mine. Then he lifted me up and put me over his shoulder, walking over to the sofa. "Come on, we need to plan what we're doing for the next 3 days." He ran somewhere and brought back a big sheet of paper and a felt tip. "Alright what shall we do?"

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