Chapter 5

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"Yes we are." Peter turned my face to me and winked, his hand moving farther up my body. I could feel my dad's gaze burning into the side of our heads. I slapped him on the arm and quickly got up, pulling down my shirt and walking over to my dad. "Ow! What was that for?" I ignored him and went over to hug my dad, hoping to make him spare me and Peter a lecture from him.

"Hi dad, you feeling alright?" I looked up at him, still hugging him. He glared at Peter a few seconds more before looking down at me, smiling. Thank god.

"I'm fine, how about you? Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah I did. Where's Hank gone? He was here a minute ago."

"He went to the study to put away a new book he bought for himself." I laughed, releasing my dad from my hug but staying by his side. Signalling Peter with my eyes to get up from the sofa and greet him. He gave a sigh before standing up and walking over to us. He stood in front of my dad.

'Atleast I get to take y/n on a date tonight'

"What?!" My dad shouted out, scaring me and Peter, also Hank who had just walked down the stairs with my dad's dose in his hands, ready to give it to him.

"What?! What happened?!" I quickly responded, worrying that something bad may have happened.

"What do you mean what?! He just said he was taking you on a date tonight!"

"How did you know that?" I thought he didn't have his powers.

"He just said it!"

"No I didn't..." Peter piped in, a thought popping into my head.

"Dad, when was your last dose?"

"Last Friday. Why?" 

"It's been more than the time between each dose usually is and you're still walking..."

"It's probably just a stronger dose."

"Peter didn't say he was going to take me on a date...he thought it."

"What?" My dad looked at me and Hank with a look of shock, Hank responding with the same look.

" haven't had a dose when you were supposed to, which was supposed to be 5 minuted ago, and you're still walking fine, along with your powers coming back..." A look of disbelief masked over Charles' face as Hank said that, but it soon turned to a look of joy, it had been ages since he seemed that happy.

"How?" Charles breathed out a word, unable to comprehend that he had both his legs and powers back.

"I can run some tests for you to see what happened?"

"Please." I looked over to where Peter had been and saw a note on the table. I walked over and picked it up.

-It looked like a private moment so I left. I'll pick you up at 7 today. Can't wait Twinkie. 😉

I smiled to myself, folding up the note and putting it in my pocket, next to the keychain.

*Time skip*

Hank took a blood sample from my dad and compared it to one he took last week. He took blood from Charles once every 2 weeks to make sure nothing irregular or bad was happening to his body.

"It looks like your cells have just healed. By the looks of it they went back to normal about 10 minutes ago. Did anything happen then? Like you touched something or ate something."

"Nothing happened. You went up and y/n hugged me then I heard Peter's thoughts and could walk."

"Did your legs hurt before y/n hugged you?"

"Yes, a bit. Why?"

"I want to try something. Y/n can you pass me that paper knife on my desk please." I moved a trail of smoke to the knife and brought it back to Hank. But then he cut his palm.


"Focus on healing my hand." He grabbed my hand and put it on his injured one.

"I can't heal things."

"Just please try." I looked over to his cut and visualised it closing up, returning back to normal. Nothing happened. I told him.

"I told you it wouldn't work."

"Y/n..." I looked over to my dad and he was looking at Hank's hand. I followed his gaze and saw nothing. The cut was gone... I looked up at Hank, a smile appearing on his face.

"Guess we have a new ability to train." 


Sorry it's a bit short and rushed. I'm working on a new Scott story right now. <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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