Chapter 2

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"And then uhm. I had started crying." You explained. Your therapist nodded. "A-ha. And how did you feel when you zoned back in?" "Hollow. Lonely." You listed with a frown. "And most of all embarrassed! This had never happened in front of others. Only in dreams, but then it happened again that day. I just felt these feelings. I was sad and nostalgic and I was looking for someone and I'm pretty sure I saw Morpheus. He's a character from Thomas' game." He hummed quietly. "I see. Based on the games you've worked on and talked about you have a very wild imagination. But now that you've started experiencing such while awake I'd recommend trying even stronger medication. I actually have some here." He walked to his personal desk and grabbed an orange container. "Here you go." You paid him and soon after your session ended.

You walked home alone. You had promised to take one of the stronger pills before bed and who knows, maybe it could help you. You had never seen these pills before. They were a bright blue. You swallowed one with some water and went to sleep. To your surprise, you had no weird dreams.

The dreams pretty much fully disappeared, but you felt wrong. You didn't feel like yourself. It was all wrong and you felt like ever since you had started eating those pills three days ago your behaviour had changed. "I ate those same pills." Thomas explained as you walked together home. "What for?" You asked. "Well.. You know uhm." Thomas looked uncomfortable. "Promise me you won't think I'm loopy if I tell you." Thomas looked down. Uncertainity clearly eating him up. "Of course I won't think that! I could never." You assured. "I've seen these flashes from the game Matrix and they feel like my memories. It feels like those things actually happened. And sometimes I just see them in my dreams and sometimes some things just kinda trigger these memories." Thomas explained. 

You looked at him shocked. "Really?! I have seen similiar visions. Or memories. Or whatever they are. But they seem to span beyond your game and my therapist suggests my mind is making comfort scenarios with my favorite characters from the game, but it always feels so real. It's like I've been in that moment!" You explained. Thomas looked at you shocked by what he was hearing. "Well. I need to go. But I'll see you tomorrow, Tommie." Thomas waved at you and you entered your apartment. 

"Hello." Your heart stopped. The man from the club. "Y-You can't be here, Morpheus!" You covered your mouth. "I am. I need to get you out of here. Me and the others have been tracking you and Smith down." "No. I've been taking the pills. Y-You shouldn't be here." You felt like your throat was closing up. "Breath, (Y/n)." Morpheus commanded calmly trying to offer his hand. "Don't touch me! Please." You cried. A full on panic attack was settling in. "Just breath in and then out." You tried to follow and breath slower. Slowly you felt yourself calm down but it took a while. "We're in a constant race and sadly time still isn't on our side." Morpheus held up a red pill. "You need to come with me again. You've already made this choice once. You just need to make it again. We need you." He said. You bit your lip. "I-I.. But I have a life. You shouldn't be real. You are a game character from Thomas' game!" You countered. 

"Thomas Anderson? You have found Neo? He is alive!?" Morpheus looked shocked. "He is Thomas Anderson but he isn't Neo. He is the Matrix games creator, but he modeled the main character after himself so in a way he is Neo." "No you don't understand. The machines have made you think this is your life. It isn't. You are the guardian, (Y/n) (Y/l/n)." You wanted to argue but knew it would be pointless. "I have feeling towards my boss, Mr. Smith. He is.. Agent Smith then, isn't he?" You asked. "Yes. The agents may break down that door any minute. Please." You hesitated a moment longer but took the pill. You swallowed it. "We must go now!" You followed after Morpheus. "This is my bedroom. The front door is that way." "We aren't going through that door." Morpheus held his hand against the mirror and pushed through. Your mouth opened in shock. "Take my hand." He offered his hand. You nodded and grabbed hold of his hand. You heard the front door break down and Morpheus went through the mirror with you.

Everything was side ways. You were dizzy and you collapsed on the floor as soon as you had made it through. It was the motel from the Matrix. "Am I high right now?" You asked. "Please.. Just try to hold on." A girl with brown hair spoke. You hadn't seen her before. But she looked friendly. "She seems to be almost on the otherside. Nova, do you think you can get her out?" Nova walked next to Morpheus. "I think I can manage." "How can Nova be here? Shouldn't he be the operator?" "I am. I am just here as a hologram." "How on earth is that possible?" "We've made a lot of progress while you've been gone." You closed your eyes. 

Everything was red and foggy when you opened your eyes. You felt the cocoons top and stretched out of it. You gripped the tube in your mouth firmly and pulled it out. You gasped and coughed. "Not again." You whispered. Your voice sounded rough. You blinked rapidly as you looked around. A robot flew to your side. It gripped you by your neck. It didn't look like a sentinel. More like a huge bug. You felt the tubes pop off of your skin as the bug gripped you. You wailed in pain. The robot landed on top of you and you felt cold claws hold you. The robot took off. You noticed three more pods next to your. Two on the other side and one next to yours. You had a guess who was in the two on the left but who was in the pod next to you? 

You saw light as the big bug looking robot flew inside a ship. "Thank you, Cybebe." A dark haired girl the robot and gently pet it's head. It purred in response like a robotic cat. "Where am I?" You asked your voice still sounding weak. "Welcome to the new ship, Valo." Morpheus announced. "The plugs look good. No need to treat them." "Rest easy." The red head you recognised as Phoenix said. You closed your eyes and went under.

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