Chapter 3

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(I've included a picture of Cybebe at the start. It might look spooky but I'd die for it. Don't insult Cybebe or I'll be angry!)

You woke up. Morpheus was sitting in a chair next to you reading something. "That book looks surprisingly good." You said sitting up. "It has become easy to recreate stuff from the Matrix with the new technology we've gathered." Morpheus explained. "We've had help from the sentinel like creatures, for example Cybebe, who brought you here." Morpehus explained. "So the robot who brought me is friendly?" It made sense in a way. Why would it have brought you to the crew if it wasn't friendly. "Indeed." Morpheus answered. "An example of what we've managed to do, is we've managed to stop using phonebooths as exits. Now we use mirrors instead. But mirrors can also be used as gate ways to other places." He explained. "But the persons pulse can't be too fast as they leave or the process of leaving the Matrix could cause them to lose their life." You nodded and then a silence fell between you two. You examined Morpheus. "You look older." You pointed out with a chuckle. "Yes. You've been gone for quite a while. 20 years to be exact.. It's guite interesting that you still look so similiar. You even have your hair." Morpheus noted. 

You left your room with Morpheus and he showed you around the new ship, Valo. It was a lot bigger than Nebuchadnezzar and you could see the new technology had helped create all sorts of new things. "This is the medbay. Our medic isn't present at the moment but Cybebe seems to be." Morpheus noted. You looked at the huge robot. It blinked at you. "Thank you for helping me." You smiled at it and it seemed to shake it's head understandingly. "You must be hungry. Phoenix promised to make some supper, but it will take a while. Can you wait till then?" Morpheus asked. You nodded and you walked to the cafeteria together. It looked a lot more like a normal kitchen. Phoenix was cooking something by the stove by the back wall. Morpheus opened a cabin that looked like a fridge on the inside. "We've been able to grow some fruits and vegetables and such. We aren't far enough to create meat yet.." Morpheus explained and you looked at the fridge shocked. "But it's a lot better than the snot we used to eat." Phoenix chuckled. "Those are real?" You asked shocked pointing at a batch of strawberries that were resting in a small metallic bowl. Morpheus nodded. "We've even managed to grow wheat and make bread." He continued. "This is quite a lot for me to handle." You said. 

"Wait til we arrive to io! Your mind will be blown." Nova said arriving to the cafeteria with a dark haired girl you hadn't seen before and the brown haired girl you had seen earlier. The brown haired girl waved with a small smile. "We'll only be going to Io after we've freed Smith. That was the plan remember?" Phoenix sighed. Nova stuck out his tongue towards his sister who simply rolled her eyes. 

"Uh. I think we haven't met yet?" You pointed at the brown haired girl. She nodded. "Oh uhm. Tilla here doesn't speak outside the matrix. They were actually born with a defect in their vocal chords." Tilla raised a hologram tablet and showed it towards you. "I can speak, it just doesn't sound nice or coherent. Also I go by they/them if you don't mind." You had never met someone who couldn't speak outside the matrix, but could in it. "Of course!" You smiled. Tilla nodded and extended their hand. You shook it. "Oh we haven't been introduced to each other yet either! The name's Nix." The dark haired girl introduced herself. You nodded. "It's wonderful to meet you, Nix." She smiled. "I'm kind of the tech gal." She explained. "She's really good with all that." Phoenix smirked. "Oh stop it you." Nix blushed. Tilla showed their tablet again. "And I'm the medic." You nodded

The crew gathered for a meal. Phoenix had cooked a stew of some sort.. Nova had mentioned that Phoenix liked her food spicy and he was absolutely right. A small chatter had formed over the table as everyone ate. You looked at Morpheus and a question popped into your mind. "So, uhm, I was just wondering how.. it was possible for me to be so brainwashed that I rejected my real life for that fake one." "Nix and Nova examined the pills you had been perscripted and they seem to have over writing code that was somehow able to make your mind believe that the game designer was your real identity, but it is still unsure. And I am more interested in the reason as to why they kept you alive when they had your body and mind trapped. You are really powerful." You hadn't thought about that, but he made a good point.

After finishing dinner, everyone gathered to the main deck of the ship. Cybebe was laying against the floor. Tilla scratched it's metallic back. Cybebe was enjoying the attention it was getting from them and you smiled. Morpheus was looking at the 3d model of the Deus machina building. "Now that Neo has been found alive, it would seem like a good idea to free both Smith and Neo, but do you know if Trinity is alive as well?" Morpheus questioned. "She is! But she goes by the name Tiffany." Morpheus nodded with a smile. "I feared they were gone." He confessed with a nostalgic smile. And then he proceeded to go over the plan.

You sat alone in bed. You leaned your head against your cabin's cold wall. You missed Smith and you were worried about him.. Everything had changed and you had been gone for so long.. But you knew with him by your side, you could manage. You closed your eyes the feeling of overwhelmness and defeat still strong. You knew the brainwashing had done it's damage. Bits and pieces were missing from your memories. They appeared at times, especially at night. The weird "visions" had indeed been your memories. Slowly opening your eyes, you sighed. 

The morning came and you hadn't gotten much sleep, but you were ready. You had to be. You, Morpheus and Phoenix entered the Matrix. Phoenix stayed by the motel. Nova hacked one of the mirrors to lead to the bathroom of Deus Machina. "Alright. He should have gotten my message." You and Morpheus entered. Outside the bathroom the speakers were blaring. "There has been a report of an emergency. Proceed calmly to the nearest exit and leave the building immediately." Thomas opened the door and rushed in. His eyes were filled with relief. Then he noticed Morpheus. "How are you here?" Thomas was shocked. "It has been a long time, Neo." Morpheus smiled. "Now, you need to come with us." You said. You raised a red pill. Morpheus had given it to you earlier.

"And we should hurry before the SWAT team arrives." You added. Thomas looked between you and the pill. "Y- I. No! Things are going good for me right now. I've finally managed to start getting to know Tiffany and she is the best woman I've ever met." Thomas frowned. "And besides you can't be real." Thomas finished pointing at Morpheus. "You are a game character I created." Thomas said. "If that's true, then how am I standing here right now?" Morpheus asked. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. Everything will clear up after you've taken the pill." You promised. He looked at you hesitatingly but took the pill and swallowed it. "Now we get Smith. He can get through without the pill. Nova has allowed Smith through." "Uhm." Nova appeared next to them. Thomas yelled out of surprise. Someone started firing through the door, but the gunfire was then directed in another direction. "Crap. Sorry guys!" Nova apologised. "(Y/n), get Smith. I'll back you up after I've gotten Neo out of here." You nodded and ran out of the bathroom. You managed to slide under a table. The room was in pure chaos. You saw Mr. Smith. He had a maniac like grin on his face as he took a gun from the floor. "Hello, Miss (Y/l/n)!"

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