Chapter 7

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(A picture of Io)

Smith didn't really come out of his quarters. And when he did he never spoke more than he had to. He avoided people, most of all you. You had noticed this quite quickly. Whether it was you calling his name and him simply walking away or avoiding eye contact at dinner if he even stayed to eat with the rest of the crew. He was clearly not taking his transition well. Atleast your trip to Io was finally complete. You were arriving today. And soon after lunch Valo landed in the city. You were instructed with going to get Smith. 

You knocked on Smith's quarters door and then pressed the button to open it. You found Smith sitting on his bed a book in hand. He set it down before you could read it's title. "We need to go. We're on Io!" You exclaimed. "And?" Smith asked seeming unimpressed. "And?! Come on Smithy! We need to go see the new city. You'd rather sit here reading than come see Io?" He lifted his book back up and answered curtly. "Yes." You sighed and he lowered his book slightly "Don't call me Smithy." "Oh?" You smirked at him and walked closer. "Why not?" You asked sitting on his bed. "It'd be smart not to, unless you want me to punch you." Smith stated moving closer to the headboard. You slipped off your shoes and lifted your legs on the bed so you could crawl closer to him easier. Smith inched away from you as you approached. "Everyone's waiting for us, honey." "That's worse than Smithy.." He remarked. You were right next to him now. Smith was frozen in place. His eyes were still pinned to the page he had read before you entered but it was clear that he was not proceeding with the reading. "Don't be such a buzz kill." You whipered your mouth next to his ear. He inhaled quickly. "Fine. Let's go." He got up and you nodded following after him out of the room.

Seeing Io was a blizz. The sky was still dark but the scenery was more hopeful. The city felt more natural and alive and lacked the cold robotic style Zion had sported. You looked at Smith. He looked slightly uncomfortable. You offered him your hand and he looked at you questioningly. You were far enough from the main group so you would not embarrass him if you suggested it. "If you want we can hold hands. Being here must be overwhelming." His eyebrows furrowed slightly for a moment before he shook his head. "Suit yourself." You shrugged pulling your hand back to yourself. He wasn't ready. You sighed inwardly. He needed more time, but it was alright. You would simply wait for him. You and the crew arrived at Niobe's office. "Captain Morpheus." "General Niobe." They greeted each other. "I see you managed to free (Y/l/n).." Her eyes widened as she noticed Neo. "It can't be." Neo looked like he wished to be somewhere else, which to you was very like him.

Brushing off the surprise Niobe also noticed Smith. "How is it possible that he is here?" "We are not quite sure. He somehow got himself a body, general." Nova spoke. "I see. We would much appreciate if the lab could run some tests on him." An aggressiveness lit up in his eyes. Before he could answer you cut in. "He still needs some time to get used to his body and being back like me and Neo." Smith let out a small huff but stayed silent. "That is understandable, but the sooner he collects himself together and lets us do the experiments, the better. We could have the key to creating life itself." "We would like to free Trinity as well." Morpheus cut in to change the topic. Niobe looked at him.  "She is alive as well?" "Yes, general. I saw her multiple times while I was still imprisoned in the Matrix. And so did (Y/n)." Neo explained. "I will have to discuss the new info with the council. You must wait till then." Morpheus nodded. 

With that you were dismissed. You and Smith were sharing an apartment since you were married. The apartment was gorgeous. Instead of a dystopic looking home, it was almost cozy. The kitchen was a tad petite and the living room was almost non-existant but it could be made into a home with time and care. The apartment had two bedrooms. One guest room, one master bedroom. Plus one bathroom, connected to the master bedroom. "Alright." You sat on the small couch. "We'll have to pick bedrooms. Unless you'd like to share the master bedroom." "Sharing a room would most likely be... Uncomfortable to say the least." Smith pointed out. "Not for a married couple." You muttered. Smith just sighed. "I'll be in the guest room if you need me." Smith picked up his bags and walked into his room. He closed the door behind him and you were left alone in the small living room. 

When you had heard that you'd be sharing a room, it had sparked hope within you that Smith would act a tad more open or discuss the situation you two were in with you, but yet again he just locked himself away like a moping teenager. Deciding to deal with the situation later, you picked up your bags and walked into the master bedroom to unpack your stuff.

(I will probably write atleast a single chapter after this where the crew will hang out at Io. I hope this chapter was acceptable.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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