MK x shy Male reader(requested)

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This was requested by Simpingrnbrb
I hope you like it ^^

This is a fluff with a shy male reader

You were walking to your favorite noodle shop Pigsys Noodles!!! (sorry if i spelled our favorite noodle shops name wrong) You have gone there before you met a nice girl there before her name was Mei when you met her you were very nurse because you were well shy you hated it sometimes but you dealt with it anyway back to Mei she mentioned that she had a friend who was busy that day so she invited you to meet him. When you got to the noodle shop [which was gratefully still open] you went inside very shy to do so since you got shy meeting new people you see a boy and Mei sitting at a table while the boy was being yelled at by Pigsy for some reason (we all now why)

"Y/N YOU'RE HERE YAY SEE THIS IS THE BOY I WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT!!!!" Yelled Mei her yelling made you jump a bit. The boy and Pigsy turned to you while you just stood there and started to get nervous because people were staring at you. Mei ran to you and hugged you.
"H hi Mei good to see you to..."You said nervously the boy got up and walked to you to. "Hi I'm MK and you are?" MK said he looked really cute wait what you just met him!!!
"I I'm Y/N.." You said a little nervous not as nervous as before but still nervous. "Nice to meet you Y/N Mei told me a lot about you so you like Monkey King?!?! He said very energetic then Pigsy suddenly appeared out of nowhere "DON'T IGNORE ME MK HOW COME WE GOT COMPLAINTS ABOUT PEOPLE SAYING THEIR FOOD DIDN'T GET THERE ON TIME!!!!"Pigsy yelled at MK for late orders "Now MK we have five new orders AND YOU BETTER GET THEM THERE ON TIME!!!!" Pigsy yellod at him again "Ok Pigsy GOTTA GO MEI AND Y/N SEE YA WHEN I GET BACK" MK yelled and left.

Time skip because this is getting a bit long

MK came back without getting yelled at this time "Hey MK welcome back me and Y/N wanna go to the arcade you wanna come?" Mei asked MK "HECK YEAH I DO RACE YA THERE!!" MK yelled Mei smirked "Your taking Y/N with you though!!!!!" Mei yelled and ran to her motorcycle and started to drive away. "COME ONE Y/N WE GOTTA WIN THIS!!" MK yelled at you which caused you to get nervous MK pulled you close to him and you blushed while he summoned/pulled out Monkey Kings staff (Mei told you that he was Monkey Kings successor while he was bringing people their noodles like me) and flung us in the air and when we got close to the ground he flung us in the air again until we got to the arcade we were their first and MK was calibrating and eventually Mei got there and started pouting because she lost but then looked up and smirked at you and MK "MK you didn't tell me you and Y/N were dating!" She smiled evily which caused me and MK to blush while Mei ran and MK to start chasing her... Well i guess i do have a crush on MK now. ♡♡♡


I know this was a bit long and a bit of a bad ending but please remember I'm new at this

Anyway thank you for the request @Simpingrnbrb hope you liked it ^.^

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