MK x hurt GN demon reader

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This was yet again by @Simpinggrbrb
Thank you for the request =D


Also it is raining with thunder and lightning I will try to make it obvious I like rain =w=

You slowly limped into an alleyway as  blood slowly trickled down because of how bad it was storming how did this happen you may ask well let's reverse time and see what happened shall we?

[Earlier that stormy day]

It was a nice day to walk in the rain well not exactly you had to walk in the shadows because if someone saw you they would probably scream you see your a demon a strong and yet weak demon but that doesn't mean you can't fight that is. As you were walking you heard a laugh. "Heh well well well look what I got here a trespasser on my territory what are you doing here RUNT!!" They said you turn around to see a very tall red  demon with medium sized horns and an odd looking outfit.(My phone ain't letting me show the picture of this dude so I'll make another TADA chapter) "I am no runt you jerk and what do you mean YOUR TERRITORY it belongs to no one not even me or you!!!" You said annoyed. His eye(that you could see) twitched in annoyance. "You asking for a fight RUNT because if you are then...heh...You won't last long..." He smirked as you glared at him. What you weren't expecting was for him to disappear and to get cut on the arm. You screamed in pain the blade he used went very deep into your arm. You turn around and punch him and he went flying a but but he quickly recovered and teleported again needles to say you got bet pretty bad you also beat him pretty bas as well.

[End of this earlier today thing]

As you lay in the alleyway about to pass out looking at the gray sky as water and blood trickled down your [S/C] (S/C is for skin color) you hear  a voice but you didn't know the the person was saying but you soon passed out.......

"Hey......hey......HEY YOU OK THERE?!?!?" someone shouted which scared you and you shot up from the bed. "Wait bed??? WERE AM I AND WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!" You shouted scared out of you mind. "Hey caln down it's good you're awake but can you hold still my bandaging your horns so what's your name I'll say mine first I'm MK. He said very calmly you stayed quiet looking around the room it was dirty and had lots of things about..... OH MY GOD MONKEY KING!!! "I'm Y/N and DO YOU LIKE MONKEY KING!?!?"  Yiy said very excited. "He gasped* YOU KNOW MONKEY KING!!! He yelled. "I mean ummm yes I do like Monkey King. Wait why do you like Monkey King?? He questioned. "Who wouldn't? You said "Well anyway what happened to you and why were you all bloody my friend Mei had a hard time stitching you up(pretend Mei can sow ok)?" He asked concerned you went quiet for a minute and told him what happened and he hugged you and you blushed [little do you know he is blushing as well] "Well your safe now I'll protect you I promise. He said calmly and you both eventually fell asleep and in the morning you helped MK make a blanket fort then played some Monkey Mech getting to know each other more so on and so forth.

End of this chapter

Thank you for the request @Simpingrnbrb hope you liked it and have a good day afternoon or night

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