Forgotten Part 3/?

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Many years past since you walked into that light and know you were an adult working with one of your best friends MK. Sadly as the years past you began to forget about the light now you only had snipits of it but either way you didn't really care you would sometimes head voices asking you why you didn't listen but you just ignored them. Every work day was kinda the same for you exept the parts where the world was in danger and MK would save the day every time it was and you always thankes him for doing so as well. But reasently you've noticed clear outlines of people that no one else could see not even MK could see them even if you pointed it out to him you've also started to remember things that never happened and it only happened when you looked at something old like a cherry tree for some reason you really enjoyed looking at the cherry tree and always got excited when seeing it like you were waiting to see someone it was the same with waterfalls every time you looked at one it felt like you were waiting for someone but it always felt like the wrong place to see them like there was somewhere else you had to go to see them it bothered you a lot.

Today was no different MK decided to take you to Flower Fruit Mountain to watch him train with Wukong and once you saw that waterfall you felt like you had to wait but you knew you didn't need to so for once you decide to ignore the feeling and continued to walk with MK to Monkey Kings home to train. You took your usual spot on a rock and watched them train and the rest of the day was boring and just the same as every other day.... I really want it to change something different to happen instead of the same old thing.

..... That will so happen it won't be bad and it won't be good either you'll simply have to wait and see..

Good bye reader till next time :)

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