MK x Mei little flirty sister reader

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This was requested by  Simpingrnbrb thank you for the request hope you like it

This contains flirting if you don't like it then please read my other chapters anyways enjoy this chapter ^u^

Your sister Mei thought you should go with her to see MK since you only met him twice but hey you weren't complaining this just meant you could flirt with him more. You liked flirting with him because his reaction's were just to cute although he would get revenge by flirting back which he seemed to also like your reaction. Anyway you had to ride with Mei because your car was broken and was getting fixed but you didn't mind riding with Mei because this meant you could go faster than your car. When you and Mei arrived you saw MK sitting next to Tang who was talking about Monkey King and Macaque speaking of Monkey King he was right next to MK. "HEY GUYS I'M HERE AND I BROUGHT  Y/N WITH ME!!!" Mei yelled and MK turned turned you and your sister. "Hey MK you looking as good looking as always how are you doing." You smirked and MK blushed. "Wow kiddo you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." Monkey King smirked at MK who just blushed and sat there of course you were the same way at the moment when suddenly. "SHE ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" He yelled still blushing. Tang looks over. "Now MK it isn't good to lie you know.." He to smirked. Mei hugs you. "Yeah Y/N you didn't tell me you were dating my best friend." She said. "Well I wish I could date the cutie but I can't I'm just to busy you know." You said walking and    sitting next to MK and ordering noodles and flirting with MK and him flirting back while Mei and Monkey King ate popcorn watching you two flirty with each other Tang just ate his noodles and also enjoying the show before him although unfortunately it was getting dark and you needed to get home so you and Mei said yiur goodbyes and left. "Well I guess I should ask him out soon then huh Mei?" You asked your older sister. "Yeah you should." She responded back....."Guess I will then"


sorry it's short but I still liked it and I hope you all like it as well.
And thank you for the request @Simpingrnbrb

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