Forgotten part 1/?

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How many times did you count the small rocks scarred around this dark place? How many times did you try to remember, but never could because it felt like something was missing? Is what you would ask yourself constantly you never knew why but you always felt like you had forgotten something... Something important. You eventually got tired of the counting and simply stayed quiet once again looking around with no hope you had seen these pitch black walls so many times that you couldn't tell if you  were awake or asleep.

You wonder how long you've been in here but no one will answer that because no one is here so you just sit and wait, but you've been doing that your starting to get tired of waiting so you decide that instead of waiting you would escape that is until you saw a light it was so bright suddenly it was all very bright. "Walk towards the light it shall be your guide to your new life you will forget everything here, so no longer will your life be filled with darkness. Go forward and once again rise---------." The rest of what this person was saying was a blur as it slowly got brighter......... Finally your world was full of light but you passed out before you could see it all...

If only you were paying attention to what the person was saying..... See you soon once again :)

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