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Today while MK was training with Wukong you wandered off and got quite far how you don't know but you found a beautiful lake with a waterfall the the most beautiful thing there was the beautiful charry blossom tree in the center of the lake you felt like you had found the place you were supposed to you took a step closer to the lake and put a foot on yes on the water for some reason you could stand on the water so since you could do this you walked to the center to the cherry blossom tree once you got to the tree you felt safe like two people were there keeping you safe then you noticed two statue like people but they weren't people but monkeys like Wukong and Macaque but the most strange part was....

They weren't made of stone but one was water and the other was wood it was strange and confusing you walked over to the two statue and sat next to them...... You felt home, safe and at peace but felt like there was something wrong like the statues were supposed to move and be alive but you also wondered why you never saw this place before but that didn't matter you were going to stay here a bit longer.... Yeah that's would be nice.

How strange all well till next time :)

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