Chapter 1

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Quick plot summary (I promise I'll keep it brief)-

Edric Blight has begun to work for the Emporer's Coven as an intern of sorts for a research team looking to cure Belos's illness (if I can call it an illness. This is written after season 2 episode 14, but before Hollow Mind). It's there that he runs into the Golden Guard. You all know what follows. Also, there will be no smut just fluff you nasties.


Edric walked behind the rest of the group, switching between fast walking and slowing to a snail's pace to take in the vast halls of the palace. Though he had been wandering the walls of the palace for a week now, the sheer amount of rooms, and hallways, and indoor gardens never failed to get him lost.

"Hey, kid, keep up the pace. Belos is expecting a report and it's best not to be late," the head of the research team snapped at him.

Edric quickened his pace in an attempt to keep up. "Sorry, Jasper!" Despite being reprimanded, he sounded enthusiastic, bringing a small and encouraging smile to the older man's face.

- - -

Emperor Belos's door groaned open as the research team stepped into the throne room.

"Belos, we have the report you asked for," Jasper explained as they all kneeled down to the Emperor in greeting.

"Excellent," he replied as they stood up. He waved, indicating Jasper to continue.

"Yes. Our potion expert is looking into possible methods of treatment that mimic the effects of wild magic, as we previously discussed. Other than that, sir, the Healing Coven hasn't yet found any indication that-"

Jasper was cut off as Belos's voice cut through the hollow room.

"Enough. If you have nothing new to report, then why are you here wasting my time?" His voice reverberated through the throne room. Edric looked across at the other members of the research team, all of them mid-flinch.

"Yes, Emperor Belos. My sincere apologies," Jasper, looking unfazed and as confident as ever, motioned for his team to follow him and exited the throne room. Needless to say, he was the least shaken of the group.

- - -

Several hours after the incident, Edric was walking aimlessly through the palace, music playing softly through headphones (headphones he had stolen from Luz, might I add). He was entranced as he wandered, oblivious to guards scrambling to missions or on patrol around him. He tried to absorb every wall of the palace. It's magnificent architecture and coloring made his heart flutter every time he thought about the significance of his role.

Absorbed in daydreams, Edric rounded a corner and immediately colldieed with a blond haired teen. The blond had been holding a book with scraps of loose papers and notes tucked into the pages. Notes that were now scattered in the otherwise deserted hallway...

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry!" Edric exclaimed, laughing off his embarrassment as he helped pick up the papers.

"Hey, don't worry about it" the other teen let out an amused laugh and collected the remaining papers.

Edric stood up and handed the notes he had picked up back to the blond, making eye contact. And, oh Titan...

Edric immediately made mental note of the boy's high ranking uniform and his tired magenta colored eyes. Not to mention the large and totally badass scar that ran up the left side of his face. He felt a blush creeping onto his face as the boy's eyes narrowed in confusion over the prolonged eye contact. He risked staring a little longer, catching the ruffled mess of hair and the longer strand that had fallen in front of his face in the collision. Edric finally broke the awkward staring contest and took off his headphones, realizing that they were still playing music.

He looked back to the blond boy studying him, as if trying to place where he knew the other.

"Are you on the Emperor's new research team?" He asked.

"Oh, yes! I'm an intern kinda- I don't get paid or anything," Edric replied, awkwardness breaking through his normally confident demeanor.

"Interesting. I thought I recognized you. You're a Blight, correct?"

"Yep, that's me!" He smiled proudly. "And you might be..?"

"I'm the Golden Guard," he said, proud of his well-known and influential position.

Edric's face lit up with awe. "No way!"

The Golden Guard nodded, slightly embarrassed by the other's excitement. "Anyway, what're you doing wandering around the palace so late at night?"

Edric checked his watch. 12:37 pm.

"Oh, Titan!" He groaned in annoyance. "Look, you're probably super busy with, you know, being the Emperor's right hand man, buuuuut," he glanced around the unfamiliar hall, "I'm extremely lost."

The Golden Guard laughed a nearly silent laugh. "Of course, Blight. Where is your room?"

He told the blond where his room was, stuttering as he wasn't completely used to living at the palace during the week (he was allowed to go home on weekends and breaks, of course)

The guard led the oldest Blight to his room. It turned out that he had only been a few hallways away from where he was supposed to be.

"Hah. Look at that, we're neighbors," the Golden Guard said as they made it to Edric's room.

"Really? That's awesome! We can have sleepovers and stuff!" Edric said excitedly.

The Golden Guard looked a bit confused by this, but he seemed to brush off Edric's words.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around, Blight," the guard said, walking towards his own door with a wave.

"Wait wait wait! You didn't tell me your real name, Blondie!" Edric said, sounding more desperate than he meant to. Not that his desperation worked.

The Golden Guard smiled mischievously. "You'll find out one day, Blight."

Hello, hello, my dearest readers. I hope you liked this first chapter. I understand not a lot happened, but I started this on a whim & plan on doing a lot more character & plot stuff next chapter.

I promised fluff, but I'm going to have a bit of a slow burn (probably only a few chapters don't worry I'm not too mean). Another note about the next chapter, there will probably be some abuse/depression & anxiety related triggers so please look out for those.

Lastly, I promise the story title will start to make sense in the near future :)

See you later, weirdos!

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