An Interlude

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Hello dear readers! I understand last chapter was in the middle of an angst fest, but my soul requires some fluff to sustain itself. Anyway, it's late. I've barely edited this thing but it's fine.

Consider this a non-canonical one shot of sorts to boost my mental health. I promise the next chapter will be up in the next few days!

Hunter decided to pretend.

Pretend that the Day of Unity wasn't coming.

Pretend that, maybe, Edric and him would get a happy ending.

He managed to drift to sleep with these thoughts of make believe and maybes.

- - -

3:17 am is what Hunter's alarm clock read when an all too familiar voice woke him from a dreamless sleep.

"Hunter," he heard Edric whisper, surprisingly close to his own face. "Are you awake?"

"I am now.." Hunter said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry- I just couldn't sleep-" Hunter's eyes adjusted to the darkness of his room, slightly illuminated by soft moonlight. Edric looked tired. The moon casted shadows under his eyes as Hunter studied his ruffled and sleepless appearance.

"It's alright. Do you wanna talk about it?"

Edric seemed to consider it, but shook his head.

"Ok. Here-" he wrapped a blanket around Edric "you're shivering."

"Oh, I didn't realize," he laughed. At least his laugh sounded normal.

"Come here, idiot." Hunter pulled Edric closer to himself. "What did you do, jump in a lake?"

"Ugh I left my window open. Don't patronize me."

Hunter smiled, letting the silence speak. Edric did the same.

Minutes passed and Hunter kept expecting to look over and see Edric fast asleep, but he never was. He seemed lost in thought, spiraling into a permanently zoned out state.

"Hey, Hunter?" Edric finally spoke.


"Can I tell you something I've never told anyone?"

Hunter's heart started racing. "Of course."

"I think I'm in love with you."

Hunter barely heard the words, but it didn't change that they were there. He had heard them, Edric had heard them, even the moon had heard.

"I love you too, Edric," Hunter breathed, the words exiting his mouth more smoothly than he could've hoped. Titan, what if his voice had cracked or he had stuttered? He thought he would've died on the spot.

A smile formed on Edric's face. "Okay." He curled closer to Hunter and finally closed his eyes.

See, Hunter. See how easy it is to pretend?

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