Chapter 4

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Hello everyone! Putting this stuff at the beginning of the chapter this time.
I've been so excited for this chapter and I hope you'll see why.
Disclaimer: There are lyrics from a Beatles song in this chapter, I don't own their music. Thought I'd mention that.
Anyways, please enjoy because this chapter has gone through a ton of editing and I really enjoyed writing this one!

Hunter held ten crimson red feathers in one hand and his staff in the other as cave water dripped onto his cloak.

He looked up at the light escaping the entrance of the cavern directly above him and went over the plan with Luz and the others again. "Ok. When you hear the scouts and I leaving, it'll be safe to exit the cavern. I'll tell Belos that the Jackal Bird moved somewhere else, but I was able to gather a few remaining feathers. Deal?"

He didn't enjoy lying to the Emperor, but it was the only way Luz would've given his staff back and he didn't intend on starving to death in Terrace Cavern.

Luz nodded. "It's a deal, golden boy!" Luz had somehow befriended the ancient bird and was likely the only reason the creature allowed them to take the feathers that covered the floor of its cave.

"You're not as insufferable as I thought, kiddo," the Owl Lady smiled and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

He looked down at the feathers and smiled. Eda pulled his cracked mask out of the treasure chest she called hair and handed it to Hunter. "Tell those coven suckers that you won a fight with some big monster. Maybe they'll respect you."

"Thank you, Owl Lady."

"Please, it's Eda. Or the Harpy Maiden! That one's badass. Tell Belos to put that one on a wanted poster," she snorted at her cheesy villain name.

"See you around, Hunter. Don't be a stranger!" Luz waved as Hunter put his mask back on and flew to the scouts.

- - -

The scouts, cowardly as they were, didn't question why Hunter had been in the cavern as long as he was. They accepted his story fairly quickly and seemed relieved that they didn't have to venture into Terrace Cavern themselves.

Hunter had returned to the palace and sold his story to Belos. He wasn't entirely happy, but he believed Hunter's story and was proud that he managed to collect enough feathers. He even offered to fix the boy's fractured mask.

Hunter left the throne room more confident than he had yesterday. Keeping his head held high, he walked back to his room for the evening.

- - -

He hesitated in front of the Blight's room.

Titan, he thought, why am I like this?

Hunter knocked on Edric's door.

"One sec!" He heard from inside the room. He also heard someone jump up and rush to the door. Who the hell is he expecting to be knocking on his door at midnight?

"Goldie!" Edric exclaimed when he opened the door. His hair was ruffled and he had glasses on. The Blight also wore more casual clothing , making it clear that he wasn't expecting to be bothered this late at night.

"Sorry, I know it's late- I can go if you'd like to get some sleep."

"No no no! Please stay I've been bored out of my mind," Edric laughed and pulled Hunter into his room.

Now it was Hunter's turn to over-analyze Edric's room.

To his surprise, the room was fairly organized. He too had notes covering his desk, but they hadn't yet spilled over onto the floor. Posters of various bands and shows dotted his walls. He had a stack of letters, presumably from family and friends, sitting on his bed. The newest laid half opened separated from the rest. It was a charming room. It felt.. homely.

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