Star Trek Voyager: Disunity (Chapter 2)

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A/n: Telepathic thoughts between Borg are written in bold italics.

Riley’s statement sent them all reeling but it was Seven who spoke first in incredulous anger. “The likelihood of the Collective ever being destroyed is minimal, but with only four vessels it would be a self destructive and pointless mission!”

Riley responded before the Captain could get a word in. “Our plan is more detailed than that. Unimatrix Zero approves of it Seven of Nine.”

The Captain was intrigued, “You know about Unimatrix Zero and Seven of Nine?”

“We are in deep collaboration with them Captain. We have the same goal, as I’m sure Seven of Nine, the famous liberator of so many drones, does also.” If Seven wasn’t mistaken she saw a small smirk cross Riley’s features and heard a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she spoke of her.

“We certainly would want to destroy the Collective, but my first priority has to be Voyager and its crew…”

“We fully understand that Captain, we are not asking you to risk yourself without gain, we believe we can help you in your mission to return to the Alpha Quadrant.”

Everyone on the bridge expecting Seven, Chakotay and Tuvok shot the Captain hopeful glances and she felt her own suspicion fade slightly, could all this really be possible? “I assume you wish to come aboard to discuss it?”

“Yes Captain, if you would permit it, cubes are efficient but not particularly cosy…” she laughed. “It would only be me and two others, you need not fear…”

The Captain gave a still shell-shocked Chakotay a quick glance for support. He felt her gaze and nodded slowly, fighting the urge to turn and look at Seven to see if she was taking this any better than he was. “Alright, you may beam aboard whenever you wish.” Said the Captain graciously.

“Thank you Captain. It will take us a few minutes to prepare.” Replied Riley with a smile.

“You can beam straight into our briefing room if you wish.”

“We will do so, thank you.” She turned her gaze to Chakotay, “I will see you soon Chakotay and hopefully we will have time to catch up.”

Chakotay just stared at her dumbstruck for a moment before shakily replying, “Yes…” It was hardly a conversational reply but it seemed to satisfy Riley she smiled at him and then the comm. line disconnected.

Tom broke the ice between the stunned bridge crew. “Well, she remembers you alright Chakotay!”

Chakotay flushed and frowned, irritated that the past had been brought up and that it still affected him so much. He found his eyes travelling to Seven’s face, but she stood expressionless and unreadable. Hurt prickled him but the rational part of his brain kicked in. Well what do you want her to feel? You haven’t made your feelings clear to her yet and everything’s just got a hell of a lot more complicated…not that it wasn’t before.

Seven’s face may have given nothing away but inside her brain was working hard to rationalise the unease which was oppressing her. As she tried to mentally examine their motives from every angle the Captain’s voice broke her concentration. “Seven do you think it’s possible they really do have a way to destroy the Collective and get us home?”

Seven forced herself to formulate an appropriate answer as she swiftly turned to face the Captain. “I cannot be certain Captain; they may have knowledge of which I am uninformed.”

“What you’re basically saying is you have no idea.” Said B’Elanna shortly, the whole situation making her impatient.

Seven gripped the edge of the console to maintain her composure. “Yes, that is what I am saying Lieutenant.”

Star Trek Voyager: DisunityWhere stories live. Discover now