Star Trek Voyager: Disunity (Chapter 4)

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Seven looked frantically around her, searching for any assistance this place could offer her but she quickly saw that there was none. She was standing in an alcove in a dark and empty cube, why couldn’t she wake up? Had Riley been serious about Chakotay? Thinking of Chakotay made her eyes well up in irrational fear and panic so she forced him, difficult though it was, into the back of her mind. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to steady her rapid breathing and ignore the sinister pain beginning to creep up her cybernetic arm. As she did so a sound entered her ears, no her mind, the long familiar thoughts of others, but the link was different than before, a pale imitation of what she had known within the Collective. She felt as if she was straining to hear a far away echo, their minds were not one with hers, only making themselves known. Even with their minds unconnected they still had enough power to hold her in the regenerative state as whatever Riley had done to her took effect. This empty cube was created by them as an inescapable mental prison in which she was to die slowly. For a few moments she took this realisation with an unnatural calm, if she were to die so be it, but then a new distinct mental voice joined the far away din and shock, disbelief and fear washed away the acceptance and hysterical screams dragged the breath from her body.

Zina heard knew who the new member was instantly and despite her half knowledge of what Riley was planning she knew shock had drained the colour from her face. She glanced furtively over at Icheb to see if he had noticed the change and felt a mix of relief and disappointment when he didn’t comment. Leaning heavily on the console she tried to shut out the guilt and fear she was experiencing but it lingered on within her, resisting any attempts at removal. Digging her nails into her palms she was suddenly glad that the voices of the others were becoming louder, her short foray into individuality would soon be over and these vile emotions would be irrelevant. “Do you require me to give you further tasks Zina?” Icheb’s polite voice punctured a gaping hole in her comfortable reasoning.

She flicked her head round to meet his and the perfectly calm yet questioning eyes of eyes of Icheb caused a strange pain in her throat, inhibiting her ability to speak. Gulping hard she fought to respond, glancing down at her unfinished work. “No…my task is as yet incomplete.”

The rational part of Icheb’s brain told him the conversation was over and yet something inside, he believed the humans termed it intuition told him to continue. “Is something not to your liking?”

“Everything is efficient.”

Icheb believed his crewmates would have said that went without saying, Astrometrics was after all the domain of two former Borg and yet this attractive girl saying it filled him with pride. “Perhaps when you help free all Borg what you have learned here will be useful.”

Free all Borg? Zina’s guilt intensified, she might be able to retreat into emotionless Borg oblivion but what about Icheb? How would he cope when Seven of Nine was found dead? From what she had observed he seemed to have a filial attachment to her. He would be alone. Perhaps she could convince him to come with her? The very thought sent a shiver through her, he wouldn’t be the same, they wouldn’t be able to have private conversations. No, that couldn’t be! It seemed pain would be unavoidable for Icheb unless she helped him, but she couldn’t, the Cooperative would soon reclaim her. You are still for the moment an individual, said a small voice in her head. As soon as that thought crossed her mind her decision was made and she touched Icheb’s shoulder.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Icheb, Seven of Nine is in danger.”

“What? How?” he asked with anxious urgency, seeing the fear in her eyes.

“Riley desires her death. She has perhaps already…”

Icheb reacted immediately, pressing his comm. badge. “Icheb to the Captain.”

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