Star Trek Voyager: Disunity (Finale)

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Seven felt a cold chill run up her back as her eyes struggled for sight, starlight penetrating through the large window the only light as she stood in an unfamiliar bedroom, whose quarters were these? She searched around and finally saw a door, although tightly shut. As she reached her hand into the shadowy corner the darkness suddenly receded to reveal Chakotay standing before her, his smile tinged with sadness. Before she knew what she was doing she stepped into his arms, contentment washing over her for a few blissful seconds until her eyes unwilling focused on the figure behind him, piercing silvery injectors mercilessly into his back… Panic constricted her throat as the Borg Queen’s face became clear…

“Seven, Seven!” The Doctor’s voice jerked her out of the dream with a strangled gasp. Noticing her expression his hand comfortingly touched her arm. “Are you alright? I’m sorry to wake you but the Captain wants to see you.”

Seven looked at the Doctor’s kindly face in confusion for a few moments. Was she alright after such a dream? “Yes…I’m fine.” She replied shakily before turning her eyes back up to the ceiling to recollect herself. “The Captain may come in.”

He looked at her with probing concern for a few moments before tapping his comm. badge. “You can come in now Captain.” Sickbay’s doors opened and the Captain immediately stepped in as if she’d been waiting outside. She threw a significant glance at the Doctor who backtracked towards the door muttering as he picked up his medical tricorder, “There’s been three suspect cases of food poisoning in the last week, I think I’ll make time to question Mr Neelix about his hygiene practices.”

“You do that Doctor.” The Captain approved distractedly, studying Seven’s pale carefully impassive face as the Doctor nodded and made his exit. Listening until the doors had closed behind him, the Captain sat down in the chair next to Seven’s biobed with a deep sigh and folded her arms. “How are you Seven?”

“The Doctor has fixed all the damage.” Seven replied, cool and nonplussed.

The Captain fought to suppress another irritated sigh; obviously she wasn’t going to make this any easier than Chakotay had. “The Doctor told me. It’s good news…”


“Look Seven, tell me what happened. It will make it easier for yourself and for Chakotay…”

At the mention of Chakotay Seven’s self-control involuntarily loosened its grip. “What happened is irrelevant now. The damage is done.” She said harshly, though Janeway sensed the anger was not truly directed at her.

“Well it’s obviously relevant to you and to Chakotay! As your Captain…” She observed Seven’s hands clenched, her throat repeatedly moving as she gulped, but she remained stoically silent. Changing tack she spoke again in a calmer yet more commanding tone. “Seven, any encounter with the Borg must be fully disclosed and examined, I have to know their motives to properly protect the crew, you know that. Why did the Cooperative turn on us?”

Seven knew she’d been cornered, the Captain’s explanation made sense, she had to know for the good of the crew but that acknowledgement didn’t make the words any easier to say. “There never was any Cooperative! It was an illusion, the Queen controlled them all.”

The Captain stared at her in momentary disbelief before it began to sink in. “What? Then why the need for all the deception? The Borg may be ruthless but they’re normally upfront about it…”

Seven swallowed the lump that lay tight within her throat, trying to blink anyway the heaviness in her eyes. “Their normal methods hadn’t succeeded…”

“In doing what?”

“In containing me! I…was assembling resistance, I…had to be stopped…they had to find a way of coercing me…” Janeway was shaken by Seven’s expression, the guilt-ridden self hatred evident in her features, the tears dusting her pale lashes.

Star Trek Voyager: DisunityWhere stories live. Discover now