Star Trek Voyager: Disunity (Chapter 3)

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Chakotay went straight to his quarters after watching the three Borg beam to their cube and sank into his favourite chair with a sigh. Why did Riley of all people have to show up now? Perhaps its fate, said a small voice in his brain but he immediately dismissed the thought. He wasn’t the same man who had entertained feelings for the former drone and she wasn’t how he’d remembered her either, the conviction to her cause remained the same but where was the kindness and the humour that had truly enamoured him? There was a sinister edge to her that disturbed him and she had been so cold with Seven, the only one who could possibly understand her drive to destroy the Borg. All these confused thoughts about Riley always seemed to lead to Seven and he felt a strong urge to share these thoughts with her and get her perspective. Would she even want to talk to him after seeing how Riley threw herself at him? The insecurity in her voice during their conversation in Astrometrics made this a real worry, he kicked himself for not going through with their date despite recent events, then he would have had her to himself. Making a hasty decision he tapped his comm. badge, “Computer, locate Seven of Nine.”

“Seven of Nine is in Cargo Bay 2.” The Computer replied in that ubiquitous monotone voice. Breathing out a sigh of relief he hadn’t been aware of holding, he made his way there.

Seven pressed the controls of the three unused alcoves in Cargo Bay 2 far harder than she needed to in an unconscious release of pent up emotion she didn’t feel able to express. Her heart shuddered at the thought of sharing the cargo bay, her quarters in many ways, with these strangers everyone seemed to expect her to automatically bond with when in reality the opposite was the case. Are you really upset because they are Borg or because one of them is romantically affiliated with Commander Chakotay? Said her mind, trying to understand these unusually strong emotions running rampant within her. She turned her head to the large doors as she heard the familiar opening swish to see Chakotay standing in the threshold. A violent uncontrollable blush surged in her cheeks at the appearance of the very First Officer she had been entertaining inappropriate thoughts of only a few seconds prior. “Commander! I haven’t finished the alcove modifications yet.” She told him in a shaky high pitched voice.

Her words jumped Chakotay out of his dream state, staring at her bright cheeks. He closed his hanging mouth hurriedly hoping to God she hadn’t noticed. “I’m not here for that…I wanted to talk to you…”

“Concerning what?”

“This whole situation…everything…I don’t know.”

Seven’s back stiffened as she remembered the Captain’s lecture; she didn’t want that brought up again, particularly not by him. “What situation Commander?”

“With the Cooperative, I need to explain it to you.”

“I have read your report…”

“That won’t have enlightened you much.” He said, coming closer as she shook her head. “I met her…them when I was badly injured. When I found out who they were I’m not going to lie, I was as angry and scared as hell. But then they showed me the link, they healed me and it was such a freeing experience that I became…intoxicated with it I suppose. I listened to their dreams of peaceful Borg and believed them, even when they used me like a pawn I still hoped…”

Seven interrupted him. “Until my appearance destroyed those hopes.”

“Don’t say things like that!” he reprimanded before his brain caught up with his emotions and he reconsidered. “Seeing you…did remove the last of my naivety, I saw what they did to you and I knew in my heart what Riley was trying to do was impossible.”

“The Captain doesn’t seem to think so. She said my lack of trust came from jealousy of them living in two worlds I’ve had to choose between.”

Star Trek Voyager: DisunityWhere stories live. Discover now