First incounter

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*Ah first one here we go! Feel free to make requests in the comments btw! Also BARE WITH ME it may be cringe*

You were walking to your favorite coffee shop as you listened to some calming music. You always tended to zone out as you did this. Always accidentally bumping into people due to how unaware you were, then you would string out many apologies as you helped them regain balance. This was about to be one of those times.
You were thrown off course as you bumped into a person. You had dropped your school bag as the both of you collided. You immediately picked it up then made sure this person was alright. You sputtered out a line of "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" and more apologies.
"My apologies Ms. l/n," said a familiar soothing voice.
You looked up at the man who somehow knew your name. To your surprise your gaze was met by one of your professors Doctor Otto Octavius.
"I tend to lose myself as I am walking," he chuckled almost embarrassed for running into a student with such force.
He made sure you were alright and asked where you were head to. You both figured out you were heading to the same coffee shop at the corner. You both ended up walking together and chatting about some classes and how you did on some of your recent exams. He was your favorite professor. He was beyond intelligent, he was kind, and he wanted nothing but the best for his students.
You sat at a booth by a window along with Doctor Octavius. You both sipped coffee and discussed anything and everything.
"You know Y/n? I think you are very intelligent. You should come and help me around the lab some. It would be good for you to get some experience in!"
"You really mean it?"
"Of course I mean it! You have passion in your work. You don't just scrape by with the bare minimum. Come by tomorrow after your classes."he said to you with a voice like thick honey.
After staring at him in excitement and disbelief you finally agreed to his statement. You couldn't wait to see where this went!

Otto's POV

I was excited to see what her extraordinary mind would do in a professional setting. She was so insanely brilliant. I knew she could do wonders for herself and the world.

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