Dancing in the dark

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    You and Otto had plans tonight. Not the usual read a book on the couch, but you guys were going on a date to your favorite restaurant. They had live music which fit perfect next to the beach.
    No matter how many times you have been on dates with Otto you still got nervous and giddy. He kept your love going, nothing ever dampening your mood.
    You put on your new white dress. It got you comfortably yet still looked extravagant. It stopped midway of your shins and had small straps on the shoulders. It also had cute buttons that dotted it. You clasp on some gold accent earrings and the gold small heart pendent necklace that he bought you. It all looked amazing on your skin.
    Otto had a beige button up with his sleeves rolled up to a little before his elbows. He pairs some brown slacks with the look. Every time you glanced at him getting ready, he would flash his trademark grin and give you a wink. This made your heart leap out your chest. You were so lost at how handsome he was you didn't know what he said at first.
    "You good darling?"he interrupted your thoughts.
    "Oh! Sorry! I am, was just busy admiring you my love," you said shyly gazing down.
    Even though he usually made you blush, you could always get him flustered. He was such a big softie and you were all for it.
    "So, are you ready mon amour?" He asked reaching out for your hand.
    You placed your hand gently atop of his and squeezed it.
    " of course I am dear," you said a smile breaking across your face.
    He lead you to the car and opened the door for you. He was such a romantic. He refused having you open the door for yourself. He'd give you a raised brow if you went towards the door yourself. You'd just chuckle and let him grab it.

Time skip

    You were sat at on the restaurant's patio gazing at the beach with the sun already set. The warm summer breeze blew gently across your face, and it slightly blew in Ottos hair. The string lights illuminated the area giving it a nice glow.
    You both chatted about work and other things as jazz played.
The sun was long gone by now. Music was a lot slower and the both of you were gazing upon each other with love in your eyes.
"Care to dance mon amour?" Otto said offering his hand to you over the table.
You placed your hand into his big one.
    Before you knew it you both were slow dancing. He had his hands gently placed on your waist, while your arms were draped loosely around his shoulders.
    It had been a minute since you have been had danced with Otto, but you loved it dearly. He always gazed down upon you with aw and lust. You were his world.
    "You are absolutely stunning," he said breaking the silence.
    "Am I now?"
    "Of course you are"
    You kissed his jaw and laid your head on his chest. His scent slowly wafted into your nose. Intoxicated into the whole scene you closed your eyes.
    "Let's stay like this forever," you hummed in satisfaction.
    "Agreed my love," he replied mumbling I to your hair.


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