Finally Living in Peace

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Mentions of abuse, cursing, drinking, smoking, wounds, and SH

This story was requested by @Crazytatz

    You stepped out of the shower and in front of the full length mirror in your small bathroom. You looked over yourself in the mirror, your eyes mapping out every scar, cut, and bruise that was left from your father. You sighed deeply and wrapped yourself up. Knowing that if you stared to long that you would put your mind in a bad head space right before school.
    You threw on a long sleeve shirt to cover your cuts, and long black leggings to hide the self harm cuts you left. You wish you could control yourself so maybe you could wear what everyone else wore to school.  Even if you did it's not like your father would let you wear what you wanted.
    You finished up by grabbing your bag and heading toward the door, but you were stopped right in your tracks.
    "Where they hell are you going at this time of day?" Asked your father in a stern voice.
    He had a beer bottle in hand and a cigar in the other. He took a huff and puffed it in your face.
    You wafted the smoke out of your face and coughed "to school sir.."
   " With these kind of pants?"he replied raising his voice. "Hookers like your mother wear these, you act so much like the bitch." He yelled.
    He yanked your arm and raised your sleeve. You tried to pull away but it was no use.
    "Please don't I'll change I promise!" You said frantically.
    "To late for that you disgrace!"he said pulling his cigar from his mouth and pushing the lit end on your arm deep.
    You'd scream in pain, but you knew that would mean worse was coming. Tears streamed down your face as you whimpered in pain.
    He shoved you into the door,"You better leave before you piss me off even more! Strut around and hopefully someone picks you up looking like such a whore!".
    You grabbed your back and left as quickly as possible to the school.

*time skip*
    You were sitting in the middle row, waiting for doctor Octavius to go to the front of the room. He was your favorite teacher. He was like a father figure to you. He'd make sure to help you whenever you needed it, and would even keep snacks for you. (Rosie would make them of course)
    You were grabbing your notes when all the sudden you were pegged in the back of the head with a ball of paper. You picked it up and opened it. It read:

The little emo bitch has to cover up all those scars. Can't act or dress normal!

You looked back with your brows furrowed together and a sad look evident on your face. A group of girls snickered and looked away. You were just about to chunk it back before Octavius cut you off.
    "Y/n what do you think you are doing?"
    " Emma and her friends were throwing paper at me!"you huffed
    The girls snickered again hiding their faces as you mug faced them along with the finger.
    " Well you all can see me after class today!" He said with a monotone voice.
    You and the girls have a heaving sigh, and continued the rest of class in a slump.

*after class*

    The girls were sentenced detention and a conference with the school board, but you still got your dose of trouble from him.
    "Y/n I hate to budge but are you really covering up any scars?" he said as he handed you some cookies that Rosie sent you.
    "Pft no...why would you think that, I have nothing to hide!" You said defensively as you looked the other way.
    "I'm going to need you to show me know that right?" He said softly, "No judgement zone here, you know Rosie and I always worry about you,".
    You sighed and stuck out your arm after moments of hesitation. You panicked as you did so. If he told anyone they could tell your father, and then your father would give you a good one for it.
    Octavius rolled up your sleeve slowly and cautiously as not to hurt anything on you. He let out a small gasp.
    " Y/n... you did this to yourself?"
    "Not all of it......"
"What do you mean not all of it?" He asked looking up to your eyes.
    You regretted that the moment it came out your mouth. You thought long and hard about what you should say. You can't hide this from him forever. That'd break your trust with him.
    With a sigh you replied,"my father...he did most of it,". You looked at your feet. Tears were starting to prick at the corners of your eyes.
    The next thing you knew he called Rosie to come up to the school, and then he stepped out to make some calls. It seemed like forever yet it also seemed so fast. Your life was change dramatically so quick in front of your eyes.
    After awhile the cops came in along with Rosie. Otto held your hand while Rosie hugged your other side as they asked questions. It all went by so fast.
    After the cops left and Rosie got the car ready Otto spoke to you.
    "Don't worry about him anymore, for as long as you need you can come stay with Rosie and I as long as you need sweetheart," he said in a gentle voice.
    You sniffled and slowly looked up at him. You burst out into tears.
    " I never want to go back! I don't want to move away either! You and Rosie are like my only family! Please don't let anyone take me away!" You sobbed as you covered your face.
    " Hey hey hey! It's going to be ok! No one is taking you away, you can come live with us. We will take you in." he hushed you while raising up your chin and wiping away your tears.
    "Yes, really."
    You latched onto him and let out a sigh of relief. The burden of living with such a cruel man lifted from your shoulders. You finally had a place to call home, and it came along with the two best people in your life.
    You could finally live the rest of your life in peace.

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