Sick day

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You were snuggled up on the couch with a bundle of anything ranging from pillows and blankets. Your head was pounding, your nose running, and your throat horse.
Being sick was awful. You never got sick and when you did it was a package of all the times you haven't been sick into one big thing. In other words you were really sick.
You were watching whatever was on television until it lulled you to sleep. Your head resting on one of the pillows you stole from your shared room with Otto.
You woke up too the smell of something good. Shifting from your spot to see what was up your eyes laid upon Otto.
" Hello darling. How are you feeling?" He said walking to you and laying a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Like crap..." you mumbled sinking into the blankets.
"Well you are just in luck, I'm here now to take care of you. Let's get you washed up and then you can eat some of this soup. Okay my dearest?"
"Okay..." you mumbled into his chest as he helped you up.
Otto had the the water running into the tub and added in some of your favorite bath salt. You stood watching him.
"Let me help you if that's alright?" He said soothingly as he walked up too you.
You lifted your arms as he helped you undress. His hands gently rubbed your back trying to ease any pain or discomfort you may have. You let out a satisfied sigh into the crook of his neck. Once you were done he let you get into the tub. The smell wafted up to your nose. You automatically sunk into the warmth.
"I'll grab you warm clothes and a towel once you are ready to get out dear. Just let me know," he pecked your forehead and went to do those before continuing to fix you dinner.
The warm water engulfing your body already took half the pain away from being sick. It wasn't to long before you called too your wonderful partner to come with the towel and clothing.
"I hope you don't mind wearing one of my sweaters! Thought it be nice and warm for you my sunshine," he explained as he left the items for you too grab.
You dried off and put on the clothing he provided you. The sweater was warm! It smelled like fresh linen. It was nice even though you wished it smelled more like Otto.

Time skip

Otto reorganized the hoard of pillows you took into a comfortable looking stack on the couch. He made you sit there as he brought you a bowel of your favorite soup and alongside it some crackers and water. He made sure you ate all you could before he wrapped the both of you in a blanket.
He rubbed your back as he read you some poetry. Making sure to check if you were ok every once in awhile.
He smelled so nice to you. The smell was home, comfort, and love all in one person. You cherished Otto so much. You loved everything about this man. You gazed up at his face as he read, admiring every detail on his face. You lifted up gently kissing his jaw and tucking your head back into his neck.
This all made you feel a ton better. He was such a gentleman with how he treated you. You had a small smile on your face as his voice traveled to your ears. Falling asleep peacefully in his care.

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