Chapter 21: Full Circle

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Land of Lightning: Battlefield

"Damn it Sasuke," Naruto snarled as he formed a hand-seal and shifted into his Sage Mode. "You may have become a Jinchuuriki but I can still kick your ass! Senpo: Myojinmon!" he called out as he dozens of torii gates dropped down from the sky and struck Sasuke's position.

"Did that do it?" Konohamaru asked only for the gates to be blown away with an echoing roar. "I guess not," he added as he watched on. He had nothing left to fight with and Shukaku would take awhile to regenerate enough of its chakra to be of any use, especially in this kind of a battle.

"Naruto," Kurama spoke from the back of mind.

'I know,' Naruto responded. 'He broke through the Senpo-fuin on the torii gates like they were nothing to him,' he thought as four chakra arms extended from Sasuke's back and grasped the four walls of the barrier his clones had set up earlier. "Shit!"he exclaimed as the barrier seemed to snap from the pressure. 'Is it me or is the Juubi stronger than when it was huge?'

"Before it was nothing but sheer power akin to a force of nature," Kurama replied. "Now it's directed and focused so it's much more dangerous."

'Great,' Naruto thought wryly.

"Sasuke! Stop! That's enough!" Konohamaru shouted to the Last Uchiha.

"" Sasuke asked slowly unfocused.

"Shit," Naruto cursed as Sasuke lunged forward with inhuman speed towards Konohamaru. "Hiraishin no Jutsu!" he thundered as he quickly grabbed the Ichibi Jinchuuriki and teleported away, narrowly escaping getting his side torn off by the attacking Uchiha. "He's fast!"

"I didn't even see him move," Konohamaru added as Naruto dropped him to the ground several miles away. "Hey! What are you-" he started only for Naruto to teleport away without him. 'He's going to fight Sasuke alone!'

Naruto reappeared near the center of the debris ridden battlefield and spotted Sasuke not too far away, writhing about as his body convulsed and mutated further. 'What the hell is happening to him?' Naruto asked in thought as he felt his Sage Mode leave him.

"He isn't like you or Hashirama," Kurama reasoned. "You can't expect him to be able to handle the power of the Juubi even with those cursed eyes of his."

'His body can't take it?' Naruto blinked in surprise though he really shouldn't have been.

He'd known that while the Uchiha had inherited a bastardised version of the old Sage's eyes, the Senju had inherited his inhuman physical capacity which had been passed on to the Uzumaki when the clan was founded. It was the reason why Konoha had brought in his mother to become Kurama's second Jinchuuriki, because even if the Uchiha had a better chance of controlling the Kyuubi's power, only an Uzumaki or a Senju could possibly survive having such a creature sealed within them.

It wasn't really a secret that Kurama was as powerful as the other eight Biju combined and as such he held half of the Juubi's power himself so no normal human could hope to survive being his Jinchuuriki unlike the cases with his brethren. Judging by how Obito had used Mokuton earlier and had acquired Nagato's Rinnegan, it seemed even he knew that the Sharingan alone could never hope to completely control the Juubi.

It seemed that Sasuke hadn't taken that into account...

"Enton: Umi no Kokuen," Sasuke whispered as black flames exploded from his right eye in massive wave of death that set the world in front of him ablaze.

Naruto: Menma Chronicles by Redrover117Where stories live. Discover now