Chapter 19: The Beginning of the End

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Land of Lightning: Kumo / Battlefield

"These guys are like cockroaches," Kurama growled as he struck the Gedo Mazo's across the face, knocking it to the ground. "Just die already!"

"Die! Die! Die!" Shukaku chanted as he pushed against Sasuke's fully formed Susanoo.

"Damn you, Naruto," Obito gritted out in annoyance as he the blond Jinchuuriki descended towards him.

"Rasengan!" Naruto called out as he swung the spiralling sphere down on the masked Uchiha.

"That won't work!" Obito shouted as the passed through him and exploded.

"What's the matter? You look tired," Naruto grinned as he landed a few feet away.

"What do you mean?" Obito asked him.

"I can't see your face but I can tell," Naruto said with a wide grin. "You can't keep this up much longer."

"...I guess I'll have to go with Plan B then," Obito conceded as he formed a hand-seal. A large pot and a smaller bottle appeared at his side in a poof of smoke a moment later.

"What's that?" Konohamaru asked the question.

"In truth, I wanted to revive it in its complete form but even if it's just a piece, it will maintain its power. It's already too late for you," Obito declared as he threw the pot into the Gedo Mazo's mouth causing it to scream.

"What the hell did he just do?" Naruto asked in surprise.

"Look carefully and feel it under your skin," Obito spoke darkly. "The Juubi has been revived! Behold the beginning and end of this world!"

"That's impossible!" Konohamaru shouted from his place atop Shukaku's head. "You don't have the Ichibi or the Kyuubi!"

"A piece..." Shukaku gritted out. "The clone you captured..."

"You mean the clone I made to fool Kisame?" Konohamaru asked his Biju. "He didn't take you; only the small amount of your chakra I put into my shadow clone."

"So it only needs a part of the Biju to be revived?" Naruto asked now worried.

"That pot and bottle he had the statue devour were tools created by old man Rikudō," Kurama explained. "They have the power to seal away almost anything; whatever goes in never comes out no matter what happens. Earlier I felt the presence of those that had absorbed a bit of my power but they suddenly vanished from my senses earlier. The Shinobi Alliance must have used the pot and bottle to seal them."

"If that's true then the statue now has your chakra in it too," Naruto said grimly.

"But it's only a piece," Kurama continued. "I don't know what kind of form the Juubi will be revived in."

"If that's the case then I want to try something," Konohamaru spoke up.

"...Sarutobi Konohamaru," Obito said clearly. "You're just like Kakashi; you open your mouth so easily that it's no wonder you've lived a life of regret."

"Regret? I regret nothing," Konohamaru denied.

"Naruto...Konohamaru...why do you fight against us? We're trying to create a better world free of this hell," Sasuke asked the two. "You're both Jinchuuriki and have suffered more than anyone so why do you still fight for this world?"

"Because we're the only ones who can," Naruto answered honestly.

"Yeah," Konohamaru agreed. "We were born to do this."

Naruto: Menma Chronicles by Redrover117Where stories live. Discover now