Chapter 1

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As Zeus cast the remains of his father, Kronos, to Tartarus, the gods cheered triumphantly. They had won the war with the Titans after several years of fighting. Their mother, Rhea, was running away from her children. Although it's true that she was the one who ordered Zeus to slay his own father, Rhea had to flee. She didn't want to involve herself in this any longer, as all her children would just cast her out.

Well, almost all of them.

In her arms, sleeping peacefully was a male child, just born after Zeus had matured enough to battle with his father. In her arms was the seventh child of Kronos and Rhea, the youngest of the future Olympian. Rhea had vowed to herself that she would raise this child on her own, for the child had the powers of his father. He is a godling, which makes him equal to his fellow siblings.

"Do not worry, my child. I will keep you safe." Rhea muttered to her child.

Line Break

Rhea fled to a cave in Mount Ida, the same cave where she'd hid Zeus from her husband. There, she lulled the baby to sleep, and the baby fell asleep to the sweet and soothing serenade of his mother. The mother had never done this to any of her children, even Zeus because Zeus was taken care by other people other than her. She'd vowed to take care of this child by herself, and she will do it.

"Sleep well, Perseus." Rhea said as she kissed the forehead of her son lightly. She'd decided to call her son that because it seems like a good name for a young god. With both of his parents being Titans and immortals, he himself was an immortal with the powers of a god, which is yet to be determined but with certainty, he inherits some powers of his father. Rhea smiled at the sight of the only son she really loved sleeping. Rhea knew this couldn't go on for long because eventually, she's going to fade and her son will have to face the world all by himself. The least that Rhea could do was train him, take care of him and love him as a mother should.

Time Skip

Perseus had grown over the millennia, maturing and grown into a fine immortal. Rhea and Perseus had grown really close to each other, despite his father being the one who devoured his brothers and sisters. Rhea and Perseus had together watched the gods ruled the Earth with Perseus's brother, Zeus, being their king. His fellow siblings did not know about his existence because their mother had told Perseus to keep it a secret until the right moment for him to reveal himself. Perseus honours his mother's wish and had never intend to break it.

Perseus's power over time is little compared to Kronos, but he still has it. Rhea had offered him the title 'God of Time', but Perseus refused. He explained that he didn't want to be remembered just because he's the only child that had his father's powers. He wanted to be a god of something else, a different domain other than time. Besides, Perseus had vowed to her mother that he wouldn't use his father's powers, because he didn't want them to know he even had them. Perseus resented his father ever since Rhea told him the story on how he ate his siblings. It's not like Perseus cared about his siblings, well, maybe except for a few of them, but Perseus doesn't like the fact that his father would eat his own children just because he was afraid they might dethrone him. Well, it happened anyway.

Perseus woke up with daylight streaming out of his room. They followed with the times, having a house and using Rhea's powers to make them as comfortable as possible, living with a family. For Perseus, he didn't care if he even lived on the streets. As long as he had his mother, he couldn't be any happier.

"Perseus, my child, are you awake?" Rhea called.

"I am now, mother." Perseus smiled. He woke up and went straight to his mother. Even after over a thousand years of living with each other, Perseus had never grown tired of his mother's company nor her voice. "Good morning, mother."

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