Chapter 10

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Thalia's POV

Rachel was fucking loaded.

For a girl about her age, she has a lot of money, which made a bit of sense since her father was some kind of big name land developer. She has an apartment all to herself with several maids to top it off. Living fancy isn't the kind of lifestyle Thalia wanted, but if she wanted to, she could get used to this.

Annabeth was sleeping soundly on one of the couches while Thalia and Rachel sat at the recliner seats with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands.

"So all the Greek myths are real?" Rachel asked again.

Thalia nodded. "Although we rarely meet them, they're real." She explained. Rachel just sighed, but more like in relief. "You don't seem so surprised."

Rachel just shrugged. "I guess after a lot of shit happened to you, you start to believe shit as well," Thalia glanced around nervously, afraid that some god might appear and zap Rachel for calling the Greek myths 'shit'. It wasn't really and effective method to get started on knowing more about the Greek world.

"What do you mean, a lot of shit happened to you?"

"Well, if you met a dude with one eye and a lady with two snake legs, you tend to double check your sanity." Rachel said, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "At first, I thought I was just hallucinating, but when it starts to get frequent, I did some therapy sessions. Then I started to research about the things I see. When I noticed that they were related to Greek myths, I started to believe that there are things out there, that humans are not able to see."

Thalia frowned a bit. "And you never got attacked? Not even once?"

Rachel shook her head. "They just went as far as noticed me, but then they ignored me."

"Which means you're a mortal," Thalia said, her frown increasing. "This means you can see clearly through the Mist." This time, Rachel frowned. Before she could ask what Thalia meant, another voice called out to Thalia's name. Thalia whirled around to see Percy in a cloud of mist. "Percy?"

"Thalia, we're on our way there. Make your way to Olympus. We'll meet you there." Percy explained.

It took a few moments before Thalia fully registered what he was saying. "Wait, what? You want me to go to Olympus? Like, the real Olympus?"

Percy nodded. "It's going to be fine. Just ask the security guard at the Empire State Building for the key to the six hundredth floor."

He said it like he's telling someone to give him access to Russian nuclear launch codes.

In the end, Thalia just sighed. "Fine, we'll go. But you'd better hurry. Zeus wouldn't leave Olympus undefended, that's for sure." With that happy note, Percy cut off the connection.

Percy's POV (a bit in the past from Thalia's timeline)

Percy, Lily and Artemis made their way to the top of Mount Ida, where everyone was waiting. To their surprise, Selene was having a standoff with the Percy's siblings, with the exception of Hestia who just frowned in disapproval. Julia along with Nico and Bianca were standing behind the Olympians, completely confused but they hadn't drawn their weapons yet. Meanwhile, Selene had a stern expression on her face and her warriors behind her looked prepared for a fight, even against the Olympian immortals.

"What's going on here?" Artemis demanded. All eyes turned on her.

"Tell your friends to leave this place," Selene snarled. "Or I will chop off their heads and use them as ornaments."

"I already told you," Poseidon growled. "We're here on a serious business."

Artemis turned towards Percy to see if he'll do anything, but to her surprise, her boyfriend grinned as they watch both sides in amusement.

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