Chapter 42 - Daddy dearest

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~ Less than twenty-four hours later ~


At first, I felt very empty when I got up and Ziva's weight wasn't with me but having her physically in my arms balances that loss.

I've decided that I want to breastfeed her. After talking with my doctor and my aunts, I think that is what my little Ziva Blaze needs. The experience is a bit uncomfortable because of having to be exposed to do it, and I have to keep reminding myself that no pervert like Igor will jump me the moment I pull down my hospital glow to breastfeed her but, at the same time, I felt like it's a great opportunity to bond more with my baby. Some nurses even told me that this bonding experience might help me avoid depression post-partum, so, I'm all in.

I've contacted Vasco and warned him that his goddaughter was born. The moment he saw my message he called me all euphoric and promised to be here by next week to meet her. I'm actually excited for that moment. I own that guy mine and Ziva's life, and I will be forever in debt to him and to his family.

I also contacted Zeke, and he almost had a heart attack. He and uncle James are coming to visit me today.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

I was sitting in a chair beside Blaze's bed when the knock came. I made sure she was ok and got a gun from under my pillow before calling out to whoever was at the door.


Rochu's head pocked inside the room and he showed me a ballon saying ′Congratulations'. I smiled at the elder man and put the gun back under my pillow before becoming him forward. Rochu blushed when I hugged him, and he showed me a bag he brought with him. The bag had everything I bought for Blaze, including her tiger plushie, and it even had some clothes for me.

"Thank you so much, Rochu!" I hugged him as tightly as I could and set the things on my bed before grabbing Rochu's hand and carefully guiding him to Ziva.

"Rochu, meet my daughter," I whispered to not wake her up and watched as Rochu's dark eyes softened and filled with tears. "Thank you for helping me protect my little miracle." Rochu looked at me and then at Ziva's sleeping form, who, just then, decided to regard us with her dreamy little smile, melting our hearts and Rochu's face as a few tears quickly rolled down his cheek.

"It was my honor, principessa. (princess)" Rochu murmured and wiped away the few tears that fell from his eyes.

We admired Blaze for a few moments before I started getting uncomfortable and went to seat on a comfortable recliner. Rochu noticed me holding my belly and quickly helped me there. The look on his face said it all. He was worried but also dying to ask me about what happened yesterday.

"Miss, Aldus, Jacopo, Ercole, and Cosmo are outside waiting to see how you and the piccola principessa are doing. (tiny/little princess)." Rochu informed me, and I allowed him to let them inside.

That day all my bodyguards came to visit me as well as my uncles.

Yes, uncles, as in James and John came to visit me and Jym came around the hospital to ask about me. Caring, aren't they? If they hadn't been arguing the whole time over who would hold Blaze, it would have been amazing. Aunt Jully had to shove them out of the room to get them to stop arguing.

Zeke ended up not coming to visit me. Francesco went home drunk and demanded to have a family day, forbidding Zeke from leaving the house. But we at least got to video call, and Francesco literally drank two whole 1,5L water bottles in less than five minutes. Xana looked perplexed at that, and when Zeke questioned him, he said, and I quote, 'I cannot have a family day while drunk, I'll drink this and then I will piss all the alcohol out, and then I'll be perfectly fine, and your mom will be happy. You will see, Zeke, I'll make her smile and laugh. You will see Xana, you don't even have to speak to me, angel, you just need to smiiiile, and I'll be the happiest maaan in the whole words!' He started slurring at the end, but if you saw his face, it was hilarious. Less than ten minutes later he abruptly got up from the sofa he was sitting on, observing Xana, and ran to the bathroom, cursing that he had to piss.

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